Definder - what does the word mean?

What is an Australian Kiss?

eating a girl's pussy

I'm gonna give u some australian kisses, but not if u have a nappy dugout

👍235 👎147

an Australian Kiss - video


An Australian Kiss - what is it?

Better than a French-kiss, and can only be given to women. An Australian-kiss is similar to a French-kiss in that it involves the tongue, but an Australian-kiss is about French-kissing the vagina. ^.^

"If I ever meet a beautiful woman I'm instantly going to Australian-kiss her. ^o^ "

👍1467 👎1011

What does "an Australian Kiss" mean?

Oral sex on a girl. A French kiss from down under.

Jack: Diane went crazy when I gave her an Australian Kiss

👍263 👎145

An Australian Kiss - what does it mean?

Just like a French kiss...but down unda!

Drew started by French kissing Macy, but soon got frisky and worked his way down to an Australian kiss.

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An Australian Kiss - meaning

When you kiss that special lady "down under" and "in the bush", you are giving her an Australian kiss.

Eating her pussy is giving her an "Australian kiss".

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An Australian Kiss - definition

A French kiss down under.

An Australian kiss is a French kiss performed on a woman below the waist.

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An Australian Kiss - slang

Giving a girl oral sex. Like a French Kiss, but down under.

My girlfriend always keeps herself nicely shaved... probably cause she likes my Australian Kisses.

👍2211 👎1029

An Australian Kiss

(also Aussie kiss,) v.t., v.i. Colloquial - similar to a French kiss, but Downunder

Is started getting heavy when he started Australian kissing her.

👍2419 👎789

An Australian Kiss

It's like a French kiss, but down under.;)

When he gave me an Australian kiss, I finally knew what third base was.

👍763 👎129

An Australian Kiss

Not a blowjob. Not at all. It's like a French kiss, but "down under." The entire point of the word is that it's a euphemism for cunnilingus, not fellatio.

Did you see that they used "Australian kiss" as a word during the "Cunning Linguistics" game on On The Spot?

No I didn't. I DID, however, see that they used "an Australian kiss." It sucks that some idiot submitted THE WRONG DEFINITION under a slightly different name, seeing as how the name of the game is a pun on the word "cunnilingus."

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