Definder - what does the word mean?

What is alysed?

A name used to describe an inspirational, confident queen that doesn’t care about the haters and loves her 6k fans on snapchat. There is no Queen more royal than an Alyse, y’all may shit talk her but we all know you aspire to have her confidence and true beauty

Today i want to be like Queen Alyse
Today i have the confidence that Queen Alyse has
Your lucky if you know Queen Alyse

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alysed - meme gif

alysed meme gif

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Alysed - what is it?

Another word for "dumb homosexual woman".

A wlw who gets caught up in her own gayness and screws up even the simplest of things

"Did you see that lady who fell down off her chair while trying to flirt with that girl!?"
"Yeah! She is such an Alyse"

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What does "alysed" mean?

Alyse us a pretty wild young lady , smart , talented , likes to make new friends , crazy, skinny , likes to play , run kinda fast

Alyse us a pretty wild young lady , smart , talented , likes to make new friends , crazy, skinny , likes to play , run kinda fast

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Alysed - what does it mean?

The process of consuming present food aggressively, To eat with great speed.

The coach alysed the entire pizza not allowing the players to enjoy some.

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Alysed - meaning

The most amazing girl in the world! She is a beautiful blonde but she thinks she is ugly and criticize herself a lot. She knows how to have fun and is easy to fall in love with. Everyone loves her and most of the men want to be with her.

Guy 1-"Thats girl is SEXY!!"
Guy 2-"I know she must be an Alyse!!"

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Alysed - definition

She is a very nice girl at first she is shy and can get a lot of friends. But when when you get close she is a complete different person wild crazy girl. Alyse can get very clumsy even walk into walls. Most of the time she would have a lot of guy friends. She also hate glitter and hates some shades of pink. Aly doesn’t show that muck emotions. She is a night owl and can be really creative. Some of her favorite things is dance, acting, and drawling. Everyone hates when she gives them the silent treatment she will hold stuff against you so do t get on her bad side.

Friends mom β€œ Alyse is so nice and friendly”

Friend β€œ that’s a lie”

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Alysed - slang

The best girl to have in your life. So sexy.

Damn, I wish alyse was my girl, she got a girlfriend though!

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Amazing, beautiful, greatest person in the world.

"I love Alyse"
"Your being type Alyse right now, thats so niiiiiice"

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The most beautiful creature in all the land. Alyse's have long brown hair and big brown eyes. Usually come with a to- die- for personality and get all the guys. Alyse's are fleek.

Girl: "Oh my gosh look at that Alyse.. I wanna be one!"

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Amazing. She's so funny, caring, kind, and very sensitive(don't you dare break her heart). She is not as innocent as she seems. Alyse is great with dating tips and always a good laugh to brighten your day. She is also a bit boy crazy, but she knows what is and isn't hers. If she's mad at you, she has probably been suffering in silence for some time.

That girl is so easy to get along with, yet hard to understand. What an Alyse!

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