Definder - what does the word mean?

What is alai?

A way of using 'slay' after Freya had a typo

You look alay today!

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alai - meme gif

alai meme gif

alai - video


Alai - what is it?

Menorca Slang

Alais "Qué el veis?"

👍25 👎11

What does "alai" mean?

A very prettyish girl who is a flat/thicc mix. she is the best friend u can ever have and u need to hold on to her

wow Alai-ja is so nice and pretty

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Alai - what does it mean?

A game played in South American countries that you can get killed playing.

The balls move deathly swift. Watch your head or you'll lose it! Heh eh heh...

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Alai - meaning

A girly shrill let out by a grown ass man

"I will let out an alai scream if you hit my nuts one more time with that hammer" dared the man to his torturers.

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Alai - definition

A crazy, funny, amazing girl she would make you happy when you feel down

me: Alai farr your to funny

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Alai - slang

An awesome goated person good at everything ,tall, athletic and hot.

Alay is the best

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a word used similarly to 'Innit', to end a sentence, like a full stop.

(used in North West London)

Man 1:She's buff alai.

Man 2:ALAI!!!!!

Man 1:She'd GET IT alai


Girl 1:You look like my dogs arse alai

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Indonesian word to say noobs.
People who type with wierd characters, take photo with pout in distate, etc.

Alan: I've got a text like this (Alan shows his mobile to Barry)

"H41, h0w 4r3 y0u t0d4y?"

Barry: Whoa, who sent this? An alay?

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meaning: beautiful, sexy, hot,cutie,

Look at her she is alai

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