Definder - what does the word mean?

What is adolfo?

A dumbass that does drugs to stay away from the fact that his life is garbage. He cheats on girls and lies doesn’t live with his parents, he is known as a dangerous gang member

Your parents will tell u to stay away from a Adolfo

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adolfo - meme gif

adolfo meme gif

adolfo - video


Adolfo - what is it?

Idk some random dude

Adolfo a dumbass

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What does "adolfo" mean?

that one weird kid next to a eugene. both equal in weirdness and dangerous.

watch out for that adolfo

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Adolfo - what does it mean?

Adolfo is someone that is a Smooth talker, kind, gets what he wants, hot, muscular, guido, someone with drive and is going some where in life. Men want to be him and girls want to date him.

I wish i had an Adolfo in my life. That Amy is one hell of a lucky girl.

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Adolfo - meaning

Adolfo is a cool dude, a awesome gamer, a anime nerd, a geek,a dope sports player and a sexy mate, and is 2 fast for u

Hey girl Adolfo is such a sexy mate

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Adolfo - definition

Adolfo such an amazing guy with great personality the best person to communicate with great listener and has a huge package if u know what I mean wink wink πŸ˜‰ is outgoing surprises you unexpectedly anyone who has an Adolfo is a lucky person likes hangout out with you and is open minded has ambition and goals to pursue full of joy I am so grateful to have a Adolfo in my life also good at teaching people how to learn to drive he’s like Paul Walker lol

She’s super lucky to have Adolfo as her boyfriend I envy her so much

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Adolfo - slang

The Spanish Version of the German name Adolf. Unlike Adolf, Adolfo hasn't been ruined by an infamous Dictator.

Adolfo: My Name is Adolfo
Adolfo: No Dumbass

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Adolfo is a one of a kind person such an outgoing full of joy great listener supportive comes with a huge package of u know what I mean excellent kisser muscular has an adorable smile and some eyes that drive u crazy full of surprises great loyal trustworthy such an open minded person makes u fall in love with him more every day knows how to put a smile in ur face ❀️

I’m so lucky to have Adolfo in my life !!!

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an asshole boyfriend

laura's boyfriend is such an adolfo.

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Hitler's not commonly known mexican son.

That mexican guy is such a nazi! Damn adolfo!

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