Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a gibbo?

The act of being Gibboed is to receive an extreme amount of anger from someone with little to no reason for doing so.

Although being "Gibboed" is becoming a trend amongst groups recently, Be extremely cautious when you receive your "Gibbo".

Justin: Hey Ryan why wont this computer log-on?

Ryan: I don't know.

Justin: Arghhh#!3"4%6%$$$!!!!!!! (Becomes incredibly angry/ Blames whoevers closest to him for whatever is upsetting him).

This is being "Gibboed".

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a gibbo - video


A gibbo - what is it?

another word for the white/pinkish fluoresent freckled face peoples AKA the devil AKA cauasians especially in australia where the gibbos are descended from convicts and now called "aussies".Other names include skippy,bogan,peckerwood,honky etc usually evil and quite pussy and cowardly race the world over since the dawn of time. Will eventually be anhilated by COLOURED people.Basically a disease that will be eradicated one way or the other!

gibbo: dammm where's she from
ethnic person: not sure but she definately aint a GIBBO!

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What does "a gibbo" mean?

Having the tendency to drunkingly purchase golfing related items from eBay, commonly known as "Doing a Gibbo."

"After my second glass of wine, I went todo a bit of window shopping on eBay, I only went and did a Gibbo!"

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A gibbo - what does it mean?

A gibbo is a ape like creature that can be trained to perform simple tricks and chess moves. However gibbo`s are prone to urinating themselves at the first hint of the endgame

gibbos Bendus(sp.) of the Anus Stygus family

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A gibbo - meaning

someone who isnt getting any love or action in there love life

a lonly old man - gibbo

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A gibbo - definition

A overly camp man who has all the traits of a gay man but sleeps with women. Lives on a diet of subway salads and humus and never drinks on a night out unless there is a ready supply of Bacardi Breezer's, reefs or WKDs behind the bar, in which case these will only be drunk 'strawpedo' style.

"Look at that guy over there in his Mini Cooper rocking the deep V t-shirt"

"Man, what a Gibbo!!"

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A gibbo - slang

1. true blue, fair dinkum, aussie

2. an uneducated australian, usually resides in the western suburbs, is unemployed or works as a labourer. see westie, bogan, yobbo. This insult is mostly used by wogs asians or abos

gibbo: mate i'm gibbo orite
gibson: shut up ya fuckin gibbo

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A gibbo

a lesbian from the south of England

"Come on girls, I'm off out to pull a Gibbo"

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A gibbo

A gibbo is a (mate)that you have not seen in a long while. Sometimes a long while could be even from one beer to the next one coming.

G'day Gibbo! How are ya? Long time no see!

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A gibbo

AKA Gibbsy. A cold hearted coward with too many secrets

A: Gibbo!
B: Gibbsy!
Girls: ooooh I've heard about him!

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