Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a braska?

A name for a time when person shits his toilet so hard his whole house explodes

James Jameson: did you hear that Strog had **a braska**?
Moti: Yes, is he doing well in the hospital?
James Jameson: Yes exept the fact the hospital food tastes like shit

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a braska - video


A braska - what is it?

The true final boss of Final Fantasy X (10). He has a kick-ass theme song called "Otherworld" and a unique look that distinguishes him from other villains.

Braska's Final Aeon used Ultimate Jecht Shot because I was too stupid to talk to him and reduce his Overdrive gauge.

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What does "a braska" mean?

A phrase originally created by Adrianna when trying to say โ€˜Nebraskaโ€™... legend has it, that if you close your eyes and say โ€˜New Braskaโ€™ three times while spinning around, you can summon the spirit of Adrianna and she will insult your height, despite being only 5โ€™2

Adrianna: โ€˜New Braskaโ€™
Eragon: โ€˜New what??โ€™
Adrianna: โ€˜ahhhhh, I meant Nebraskaโ€™

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A braska - what does it mean?

a tattooed person who looks hard but is secretly afraid of everyone.

A biker Braska walked in the bar and disrespect my girl, but kicking his Sally ass was no problemo

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