Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a Cowell?

a washed up garbage bag, plastic surgery fuck up, homophobe, dirty ass shitty mf, with an ugly ass fucking bitch ass face, who deserves to die in a hole.

person 1: my homophobe, aunt just got a botched face lift
person 2: wow is she simon cowell

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a Cowell - video


A Cowell - what is it?

A selfish rich bastard who is from Britain but thinks he is American Rips off the TV shows he made in Britain In America Also i heard he wears his trousers to his chin.

BASTARD Simon Cowell

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What does "a Cowell" mean?

verb, to wear one's trousers ridiculously high above the waist

"pull your trousers down you twat, you're doing a simon cowell"

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A Cowell - what does it mean?

A horrible person that flew a happy eighteen year old boy half way across the world to scold him for being himself. Only exception when it comes to TPWK, you do NOT have to treat S*mon with kindness.

Simon Cowell does not need a definition

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A Cowell - meaning

A judge for talent shows who happens to be the Gordon Ramsay of the talent world... which is ironic considering that he doesn't have any talent that we know of.

Simon Cowell has no talent, so why is he a judge on idol shows and talent shows?

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A Cowell - definition

A old shit who mentored the famous boy band one direction before they went worldwide and treated them and many other people like shit and is known for being a complete asshole but is also sometimes known as a judge on hit talent tv shows like America’s and Britain’s got talent as well as the X-factor

Simon Cowell needs to retire (I would say worse but I shouldn’t)

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A Cowell - slang

A man who has powers of seducing women using chat-up-lines. Not one line the same "Ryan Cowell" - has a line for every woman he meets (with a 98.4% success rate).

Most recent works include -

Do I know you? β€˜Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend (Scored with Veronica)

Do you know what my shirt is made of? Girlfriend material. (Scored with Rebecca)

They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you. (Scored with Trisha)

along with his famous:

Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right? (Tracey, Alex, Laura, Mel)

A Ryan Cowell is someone fathers fears, he is a master of the hidden arts of pick-up and loves a good fuck!

Jayne: I pulled this guy last night and he told me I remind him of a magnet, because I keep attracting him over here!

Laura: That's a proper Ryan Cowell.

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A Cowell

Someone who shouts at peoples true and extraordinary talents, this person would be a dickhead to everyone except himself. this person also lives up there own arse. This Word Evolved From A very old ancient tale of a man called Simon Cowell

Oi, Nigel Your a Cowell

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A Cowell

The act of touching a dogs balls and then the dog bites you on the right cheek, leaving one hell of a scar

"I was petting my dog and then it cowell'd me on my cheek."

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A Cowell

Cancer of the Bowel, also known as "the Cowels"

He's got a touch of the cowels!

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