Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Your Bummed?

This is a couples' game; you blindfold one participant, then the other person sticks a digit in their bum and a digit in their partner's bum, one digit from each hand.
Then, wave the differing fingers under the blindfolded participant's nose, to see if they can guess which finger is which, whilst repeating with each finger swap... "My bum.... your bum?!"

Let's play my bum your bum...

I recognise that shit smell anywhere.... that's not my bum , that's YOUR BUM !

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Your Bummed - video


Your Bummed - what is it?

πŸ‘ wash your bum bum is a phrase meaning washing your ass back and forth, make it wap then get a towel and mop for this wap. Give your bum everything you got for all of this wap, beat it hard and take out the dirt then shake it off. πŸ‘
Only meant for entertainment purposes and we didn’t mean to offend anyone or anything.

Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetyenwevwe Ugwembwem Ossas: Hey son did you wash your bum bum? it’s really smelly.
Kkwazzawazzakkwaquikkwalaquaza krrr zzabolazza: Yeah daddy, mommy washed it for me just now.
Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetyenwevwe Ugwembwem Ossas: Okay very good son, now lets go find some fresh wap!
Kkwazzawazzakkwaquikkwalaquaza krrr zzabolazza: YAYAYYAYAYAYY I think we can find some wap in babor rajasundaram Isgara’s houseeeee
Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetyenwevwe Ugwembwem Ossas: Lets goooooo son!! Let’s get these pussy wapping!
Kkwazzawazzakkwaquikkwalaquaza krrr zzabolazza: WOOOOHOOOOOOOO TINGADINGANINGANINGANINGANINGANINGA!!

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "Your Bummed" mean?

how are you? or what's been happening? good ol' fashioned aussie slang.

as a "very" informal greeting "hows your bum for grubs?

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Your Bummed - what does it mean?

A game played on chat roulette.

Two people play by asking people to do obstacles.The game rules are that your cam doesn't show while asking other people to do a task on their cam. It always starts out with asking someone to show their bum. The person who wins is the person who can get someone to do the most obstacles.

After you get someone to show their bum that person ads a task to the game. Then you go to a new person and have them complete each obstacle that's been added from the beginning in that order.

How to play Show Your Bum
You show up with a blank cam and ask a person to show their bum.
The person shows and then ads a rule. Like touch your nose.
Then you go to another cam and ask the next person to show their bum and then ask them to touch their nose.
If they do both obstacles they ad another task.
You keep repeating this.

The winner is the person who can get someone to do the most obstacles or set number of obstacles.

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Your Bummed - meaning

of annoyance much like a pain in your arse.

Isn't Steve being a real plum in your bum!

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Your Bummed - definition

To give a person a quick and senseless dis or burn hence your bus ripped

Fuck you heev. Heev replys your bums ripped

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Your Bummed - slang

A limey insult.
Same as the American up your ass, up yours, in your butt.
To tell someone to fuck off, get lost, go to hell.
Often accompanied by an upraised index and fore finger twisted together gesturing a upward thrusting motion.

"Up your bum, you stinky fingered bastard!"

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Your Bummed

Very simply put, 'up your bum' is the ultimate Australian toast. It's not meant literally ('stick it up your ass and rotate', more the opposite, much like the toast: "mud in your eye". Also, it is very important to say it the right way. If you go in 'half assed' with this toast, you'll get strange looks (as an American friend of mine found out, when I recommended him to try it Queensland). Say it with a little confidence and a smile, but don't be aggressive - that's not the right way to go about things in the broad brown land of oz. Most of all - enjoy this toast with a large, cold sparkling amber beverage under the Aussie sky with a good mate.

(At the pub)
Andy: Cheers big ears!
Toddles: Up your bum!
(both take a very hefty swig, exhale loudly and exude a happiness unknown to those not sitting with you at that moment ;-)

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Your Bummed

is not as nice as my bum. yours is hairy.

Look, my bums smoooooooth, your has hair, and i think thats shavers rash?

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Your Bummed

A term originating from an infamous World of Warcraft guild on the Stonemaul-US Server. Players from <YOUR BUMMED> are known for their relentless griefing, trolling, and racist pranks. The name of the guild comes from the term "bum" which refers to killing a player in the air, or in some other place where they cannot reach their body and are forced to spirit rez.

The expression "your bummed" has been generalized into an expression used when anything unfortunate happens to a player. The gramatical error included in the guild's name is there intentionally for trolling purposes.

"Don't let those fags from <YOUR BUMMED> in the raid, they're a bunch of assholes"

"You missed gladiator by 1 rank? Dag bro your bummed"

"I bummed this bad rogue yesterday, took a great screenshot of it for the forums"

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