Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Young Life?

Said to a person under thirty by a much older person, this is said before or after (never during) intercourse as an insult to the younger person's experience.

I'm the fuck of your young life.

She'd be the fuck of your young life.

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Young Life - video


Young Life - what is it?

A club where young teens gather in the name of God and Christ and get the cops called on them for throwing televisions out of windows and disturbing the peace for some 'lesson' or various other things. They also say everyone is welcome, but it's very hard to get the location of the meeting out of them. Is usually in someone's house and is packed so tight you can't move. Includes: singing, rituals, running around, smoking pot in the corner, arriving wasted, screaming and being elitist bitches and hos.

It's separated into "Campaigners" and "Club". Campaigners is where deep talks about faith happens. Club is just horsing around while singing Christian songs... so 'you totally get something out of it'. No one attends Campaigners. The 'cool thing' is to go to 'club'.

Also known as "YL".

Mary: ZOMG!1one!1 Are you going to Young Life tonight?
Bob: Um... YEAH! I heard we're eating goldfish! LIKE, THAT IS SO TOTALLY EXCITING!!11eleven!!11 And Bobby... that hot leader... is SO BACK!

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What does "Young Life" mean?

A group of people who are mainly christian who come together on a day of the week for club aka the best time of the week and they basically party and play games. At the end of club, a leader will tell a story or scripture from the bible and then they all pray and go out somewhere afterwards for ice cream or food. Young life also has this amazing thing called campaigners where kids in young life come together and read from the bible, talk about what it means, and tell how it connects to them or todays world. IT’S NOT A CULT! and anyone can go, it’s for everyone, not just popular people.

me: hey did you go to young life last night? it was SO fun!

amy: no, but i’m going to campaigners!

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Young Life - what does it mean?

A cult for Christian teens involving fun games, activities and trips to create an interest in God among youths, but is only effective if you already believe it, and enjoy mindless activities.

"Let's go to young life"
"I'm Buddhist"
"Oh...well lets do crack instead then since it does the same thing to our brain"

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Young Life - meaning

young life is not a cult!

guy 1: hey, lets go to younglife
guy 2: oh, okay!

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Young Life - definition

The most awesome place you will ever go, with the most amazing, accepting people. At young life you will have a contest to throw cheeseballs on guys' heads covered in shaving cream, to see who can get the most cheeseballs on. You will make with young life camp is the best week of your life. Go for it. Live life to the fullest.

I have gained so many awesome relationships through Young Life. Ten point Holler!!!

πŸ‘1983 πŸ‘Ž1325

Young Life - slang

Gathering of Thotties and Fags where they pray and suck some nigga’s dick to take them places and out to eat.

Allison and Lethsa sucked the Young Life leader’s dick to take us to iHop!! Woohooo

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Young Life


Young life is the gayest shit ever. I can't believe I was even a part of that.

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Young Life

A Christian organization for high school students they call Young Life but that really ought to be called Popular Kids Getting Together To Do Stupid Shit and Pretend To Learn About a God Who Probably Doesn't Even Exist. The leaders go on and on about how Jesus accepts people as they are and loves everone equally, yet they have no problem with the fact that at a lot of schools it's only the richest, prettiest, and most athletic kids that go. These kids might not necessarily be bullies, but they sure as hell don't give a fuck how a fat, greasy-haired, socially awkward girl who's never had a boyfriend feels about the work of fiction that is the bible. Unless you've been on your school's homecoming court or have friends who have, don't bother stepping into one of their meetings, which do resemble that of a cult.

Tyler: Okay everybody, tonight's the first night of Young Life so if you're socially acceptable be sure to come!"
Haley: Tyler!
Tyler: Okay, sorry, just kidding, anybody can come. (Whispers to Haley) Anyone accept for Madison that is.

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