Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yogie?

(yo-gee) (n.) 1. a tea bag that has been rolled into a smokable cigarette. 2. The addition of tea to tobacco or marijuana to add flavor.

Ai yo! We gunna smoke that yogi or what?

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Yogie - video


Yogie - what is it?

In Golf a player who is a golf geek or nerd.

What a yogi he has no headcovers, a pull cart, playing bare foot, in plaid cargo shorts,and a striped shirt.

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What does "Yogie" mean?

Yogi/ Yogi Bear (an extension of bare/ bear)
1. Lots/ lots of
2. Very good (sick)
3. Big/ a big person
4. The opposite of Boo-Boo

"There is Yogi gash at this party."

"Did you see that goal? It was Yogi!"

1st person "Last night's party was sick!"
2nd person "Yeah! The DJ was Yogi"

"That guy is a Yogi prick!"

"Dave has been working out, if he keeps this up he'll be Yogi"

"Yogi tekkers"

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Yogie - what does it mean?

a nick name for a girl or boy. who sleeps and eats alot

i saw yogie pounding a forty at the party. then she was smoken some ganja

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Yogie - meaning

The most lovable black person you will ever meet. He is amazingly sexy and has a great body with the cutest face and has an amazing voice to top off, but he can't hit the high notes. If you don't want him after all this then I don't know whats wrong with you.

Girl 1: Oh my god look at that.
Girl 2: He looks just like Yogy.
Yogy: Hey cutie. "Blows a kiss"
Girl 1: "Faints"

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Yogie - definition

One who is of yogi bear resembilance, got a yogi swagger to him. Stealing piknik baskets is a metaphor For he gets what he wants. Sleeek style

yo than man juzz hustled me in a game of pool and took the rest of my belongings in dice. Hes a straight Yogi bear.

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Yogie - slang

Noun. 1) Slang for pants worn during yoga sessions, though these pants may not be worn exclusively during yoga. They are usually tight, composed of 5-10 per cent spandex. Yogies are often worn by those that think wearing yoga pants with furry boots in the winter is fashionable. 2) Can also be used as a noun denoting sarcasm when viewing the site of someone wearing yoga pants with furry boots.

1) I love these yogies, they help during yoga and go good with my furry boots!
2) Nice yogies.

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Noun - A quick turnaround, recovery, u-turn, a save, a dance, a form of hiding or dipping.

Yogi was originally used from the Starting 6 rap group, now it is a coined term from up-and-coming rapper J-Saucy. You can simply hit a yogi on anything or anyone. Typically hitting a yogi can get you out of a DUI, MIP, baby mamas, jail, and out of detention!

(Hear car door slam, the gang quickly puts the bongs and dark/light blue spirits away, parents walk in and don't suspect a thing...) "Dam, we hit the yogi just in time!"

I almost busted a nut in that bitch, good thing I hit the Yogi!

The uber past the club so I told him to hit a yogi. When I jumped out I hit a yogi and the bouncer let us in right away.

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Flavoured, nutritious yoghurt treats for pet rodents.

My rats start clinging to the bars of their cage whenever they see I have yogies.

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One who practices yoga and has achieved a high level of spiritual insight.

Let's visit the wise yogi, he may be able to offer us guidance.

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