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What is Wiggley?


U on all wiggley shit

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Wiggley - meme gif

Wiggley meme gif

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Wiggley - what is it?

a very cute name for a piggy that is so fat it wiggles when it walks!

oh what an adorable piggley wiggley

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What does "Wiggley" mean?

retard way of saying curly wurly

sajid: hey i got a squiggley wiggley in my bag
ollie: curly wurly
sajid: yeah.....

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Wiggley - what does it mean?

The state of being so affected by gravity that it causes fleshy extremities such as a big belly to wobble uncontrollably. This is often not a sign of bootyliciousness.

Dawg: Yo Shelley you got a big jiggley-wiggley! Working that belly up and down, girl!

Shalley: Whassup, dawg?! not bootylicious enough for you, am I?? I think i'll go on the watercress soup diet now, innit!

Dawg: Don't do that Shelley baby! I love you just the way you are!

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Wiggley - meaning

A niggley wiggley is a paper in Hershey’s kisses

Hey can I have your niggley wiggley

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Wiggley - definition

Wiggley is a small worm thingy that comes in many colours. Contrary to popular belief he is not a worm. He is infact, a piece of see-through string with fur and eyes.

Because the string is see-through, it looks like Wiggley is flying! :O

Wiggleys have been available for years, but are now sold by that bloody annoying company JML that sells crap like 2-sided ironing boards and bras for people with saggy breasts. Bastards.

1. "Look! It's a wiggley!"

2. "My wiggley is more fly-y than yours!"

3. "Ali has a flaccid wiggley"

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