Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whatevers?

a phrase someone will say when something bothers them and they don’t want to talk about it or don’t want it to seem like they care

person : “i’m so sorry , i didn’t mean it . please talk to me
me : “it’s fine , it’s whatever”

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Whatevers - meme gif

Whatevers meme gif

Whatevers - video


Whatevers - what is it?

"i don't give a shit", and "fuck you", especially when sent as a txt message


"that's bull"

jimmy to carol via txt: "hey did you hear a.b the gig my band is playing this friday?"
carol: "whatever"

👍381 👎79

What does "Whatevers" mean?

Used in an argument to admit that you are wrong without admitting it so the argument is over.

Man, whatever.

👍29645 👎6913

Whatevers - what does it mean?

whatever, but for cool people

Tom Cruise: "You are such a whore"

Queen of England: "Whatevs"

Tom = Pwned

👍1925 👎367

Whatevers - meaning

A term typically used in California to infer indifference even to the notion of being indifferent.

They're all out of rum so I told them to just give me whatever, or whatever.

👍25 👎11

Whatevers - definition

I don't give a fuck about it anymore, and you can go fuck yourself.

A: I didn't tell you that earlier because I was busy.

B: Whatever

👍173 👎23

Whatevers - slang

Indifference to what a person is saying! Who cares!;Get a Life!

Sam: I am the best in Math because I keep getting straight


Greg: Whatever!

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Meaning 'it doesn't matter" or "I don't care". Usually used is a casual conversation with friends, also great for texting.

Friend: "Don't you want to clean up first?"

You: " Eh, whatever's whatever."

👍35 👎17


its all good. i dont give a shit. anything goes. ok.

you want to bang that bitch dont you ? whatever is whatever.

👍65 👎25


Basically a cooler way of saying "whatever". Usually used in reply when you REALLY dont care about the subject or topic.

Rob-"hey mike, that bitch said he dont like you"
mike-"whatever whatever then fool, ill fuck him up."

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