Definder - what does the word mean?

What is We Out?

87% chance of being synonymous to the phrase "I am unemployed"

"Yo dawg, how you makin' dat coin?"
"Yu no dawg, we out here"

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We Out - video


We Out - what is it?

a term originated from San Francisco, CA, attributed to professional skateboarder Larry Redmon who first coined the term to express the arduous labor of consistent practice in skateboarding tricks...skating hard...putting in work.. etc. Consequently, the term has since evolved to also denote being 'out here' on the hustle, on the grind, surviving the struggle and etceteras

*the term is also exclusively associated with the SF ISLANDMOBB crew who skate the 'Island' downtown San Francisco, at the end of Market street across from the ferry building, adjacent to the Embarcadero (known today as the Justin Hermann Plaza) once the training grounds of the world's most famous skate crew, the EMB (Embarcadero's most blunted) crew comprised of professional skaters, James Kelch, Henry Sanchez, Mike Carroll, Greg Carroll, Jovontae Turner, Mike 'wingding' Cao, Karl Watson, Mike York, Nick Lochman, Chico Brenes and others of which established the foundation of tricks for what is now known today as street skating


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What does "We Out" mean?

slang for "lets do the thing we've been talking about"

Jake: Wanna go 69?
Alex: Sure, we out, I'm on top though

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We Out - what does it mean?

Something you say when you just planned some fire moves for the night with the fuckin boys, and you hype af ab it.

Chad: β€œYoo boys we all are hammering 15 beers tonight no cap β€œ
Ty: β€œwe out”
Brad β€œwe out bro”
Nick β€œfuck ya g we out β€œ

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We Out - meaning

Short for β€œWe out here”

John: Down for the gym today?
Ryan: At 8:00
John: Bet
Ryan: We out

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We Out - definition

lets go,

we going to

we out to the teenbash on april 23?

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We Out - slang

when you are trying to get away from an akward moment and you need to get away like right away you say, preferably loud, "we out"

When your best friend tells you that his girlfriend has a friend for you so you wont be the 3rd wheel and when you all meet up she is ass ugly... you tell you friend 'WE OUT"

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We Out

A phrase meaning "let's go" or "I'm leaving."

The people that say it will often times say it repeatedly until they're friends finally hear them or decide to leave too.

Jane: K, we out.
Jane: I said, we out.
Jane: C'mon guys! WE OUT!

Jane's friends: chillllll we'll leave in a minute.

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We Out

A phrase or saying, showing excitement, or readiness for the night. Also, it is a term to start the party.

Mike- we out.
Dom- "Downs Beer"
Ian- "lights blunt"
Berzak- " lights bogie"
James- yo chill

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We Out

A term used to mean we're leaving, let's go!

John to Steve: Yo Steve we out to the hood!?
Steve to John: Aye, we out!

John to Steve: Lit!

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