Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wazi?

You want to add some lazy + spice it up with some wholesome
and you get WAZY

Andrew is always in a good mood but he never does his homework. What a wazy guy!

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Wazi - meme gif

Wazi meme gif

Wazi - video


Wazi - what is it?

when u annoying asf and can't hang.

Jennifer's a soo wazy sometimes

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What does "Wazi" mean?

A popular slang term originating from kenya which is used to show disatisfaction and disbelief when someone tells you something.

Blake told me he tapped Amy last night and i was like " wazi bro" as i couldnt believe whay he was saying.

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Wazi - what does it mean?

Greetings: hello, how are you doing, or informal what's up

yo! wazie, how did the meeting go?

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Wazi - meaning

You want to add some lazy + spice it up with some wholesome
and you get WAZY

Andrew is always in a good mood but he never does his homework. What a wazy guy!

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Wazi - definition

a slang term meaning to procrastinate, a combonation of waiting and lazy

im wazying right now instead of working on my project

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Wazi - slang

"way easy"

-made by Billy Crothers

Dude, that girl was wazy.
That test was wazy.

Your mom is wazy, to the max.

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A combination of crazy and weird.

You met this girl once and she's been calling you 8 times a day ever since?! Dude, that's wazy.

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A blend of the words β€œwoke” and β€œnazi”. Wazis are western folk who claim that they are anti-racist, have no connection to either Israel or Gaza, but justify a Jewish genocide by blaming the Jews for the Palestinian plight.

β€œI am so glad I learned of β€œPalestine” on October 8, 2023, so that I can join my peers with rainbow-colored hair at a β€œpeaceful” protest to chant β€œfrom the river to the sea Palestine will be free” and β€œintifada” #woke”

β€œYou are a Wazi, and why can’t I find Palestine on google maps?!”

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The act of being a normal human being, just a little cooler

Bob said to his friend β€œyo bro, I’m feeling wazi today’

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