Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Water sauce?

straight from the faucet, fresh from the sink, water sauce goes well with kibbles and can replace any other sauce for a culinary bland experience!

i'll take some more water sauce on my turkey judge Boner!

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Water sauce - video


Water sauce - what is it?

when your friend named after a batman/stranger things character says that their Bugatti color is that of your mothers nether regions. it means to be bad

batman sidekick/stranger things character: ya my bugatti is the color of your mothers vagin pink lmao
me:yuo're literal buffalo sauce water

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What does "Water sauce" mean?

When you are going to the bathroom and at any point during your visit an item of clothing gets dipped in the toilet.

Scenario: Bathroom Stall

Girl #1: "Oh shit, the back of your skirt is all wet."
Girl #2: "Great, when I squatted it must've hit the toilet water dipping sauce. Yum!"

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Water sauce - what does it mean?

Water sauce is an adjective for something really easy. It is derived from conjoining the terms weak sauce and "water;" weak sauce for the pitiful aspect of the task, and water for the ease.

"Yo, that test was water sauce."

"She's water sauce man"

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Water sauce - meaning

A fancier way to say "water"

"Hey, Bob are you gonna drink your Water Sauce?"

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