Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wad's?

The feeling of having undergarments shoved slowly up your ass crack, as a result of over-reacting before understanding the whole situation. The state you are in when you have β€œpanties in a wad”.

Rob: I spoke with Jim today and we all need to re-write our job description and then re-apply for our own positions.

Michael: What the fuck! Did you hear this, Jason?

Jason: Michael, you need to relax. You know this isn’t what Jim even meant. You are super wadded right now.

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Wad's - meme gif

Wad's meme gif

Wad's - video


Wad's - what is it?

WAD - what a dick - wuht ay dik -- An androgynous expression used as a release of disapproving energy toward another individual. Commonly used as a replacement for such expressions as "no," "i don't agree," "you are being greedy," "you are lacking expertize." Currently trademarked by Michael F. Surman Esquire, the phrase has captured the hearts and minds of all young individuals throughout the Midwood-Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn and the Greater Garbage Dump Region of Staten Island.Also popularized by members on the NICO Forums - Altima Coupe sub-section by members who like turtles.

Real-Life usage of the WAD:

Arthur: Mike is that my lighter?
Mike: WAD!

Matt: I want purple lights!!!
Mike: WAD!

Waiter: Sir your food is ready!
Mike: WAD!

Arthur: yo im gonna go blaze a blunt with my boy ....
Mike : WAD ! and ur no inviting me... aight i see how it is

Mike: hey do you guys have any available uhal trucks....
Truck Guy: no sorry we are all out..
Mike : WOW WAD !!!


Inquiring Customer: Excuse me sir do you have any WD40
Your Face: No but i think youre a WAD40

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What does "Wad's" mean?

To have lots of money.

"Remember Gary from school? He's got a lexus and a massive house now, he's totally wadded!"

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Wad's - what does it mean?

An amount (generally one ejaculation) of male semen.

I just shot a wad in the shower.

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Wad's - meaning

Stuffing; the insides of something

Dayum, when that slit ran the red light and almost hit us, it scared the wadding out of me.

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Wad's - definition

Wads is short for "What a damn shame." If your a club and you go up to to someone and you get turned down you would say WADS. If go up to a keg at a party and it your turn to fill up your cup and realize there is none left... that would be a WADS moments.

Guy: What's up ma you want to roll with me
Girl: Hell no
Guy: Damn ma.. WADS

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Wad's - slang

large sum of money one owns.

The boy had a wad in his wallet.

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an excessive amount of opaque fluid often referred to as semen, cum, jizz, man milk, and/or wang extract, that is projected out of the male genetalia at sexual zenith.

"Man, I just blew my wad in my grandmother's raisin brand as an april fool's joke...This shit is gonna be friggin awesome"

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Wad(n.)1: A data file for id Software's incredibly popular 'Doom' series of games first released in 1993. The term ".Wad" is short for "Where's all the data?" They can be used to distribute user created content as well and thus spawned the videogame modding phenomenon. As of 2006 there are thousands of user created .wads avalible for download.

Person1: "Hey, did you check out that new .wad for doom 2?"
Person2: "Yeah it was a pretty sweet deathmatch map!"
Person1: "Doom forever!"

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1. a blob of semen

2. a roll of currency

Just clean up that wad on the couch before it seeps in.

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