Definder - what does the word mean?

What is VIU?

Dèjá vIU is the feeling of having already listened to an IU song that you didn't know before. It usually happens with uaenas recently converted.

Person 1: Yesterday I listened to Dlwlrma for the first time, but I had the feeling of having done it before...

Person 2: This is called dèjá vIU

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VIU - meme gif

VIU meme gif

VIU - video


VIU - what is it?

a lame, or loser, a cornball, uncool, not popular

your m.v. dogs mad viu!!!!!!!!!

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What does "VIU" mean?

viu is an amazing and awesome person and also my best friend!

"Viu is 🔥🔥🔥🔥"
"Viu is Kou's bestest friend and owner of Kokoro!"
"Viu is also a streaming media in Hong Kong."

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VIU - what does it mean?

Vancouver Island University.

Formerly "Malaspina University-College."

On April 23, 2008, the provincial government of British Columbia announced its intention to amend the University Act at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia to upgrade Malaspina University-College into a full university.

Located in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. It has smaller campuses in Duncan, Powell River and Parksville.

Student body as of 2008: 19,000

"Do you go to Malaspina?"

"Man, it's called VIU now... and yes... i do."

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