Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Urbanski?

A faggot that likes dick and eats men

Nick Urbanski is shit at life

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Urbanski - meme gif

Urbanski meme gif

Urbanski - video


Urbanski - what is it?

a girl who is liked by all guys and who wants to be with all the hotties because they are "fun to look at"

i wanna be just like alexandra urbanski

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What does "Urbanski" mean?

That guy, that loud motherfucker next to you who always talks in any setting as if he is front row and center at a monster truck jam.

Stop yelling at me, you damn Urbanski.

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Urbanski - what does it mean?

a cool kid who does anything to be funny. He is always funny but can be a re re. he is a mobile god and he be getting 360 ogga bogga bogga's,

urbanski hit those

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Urbanski - meaning



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Urbanski - definition

That one sick fuck who pays fat gingers to suck his small, flacid, pathetic dick and then tells everyone about it. They r usually polish and eat dogs (their favorite is st Bernard’s bc of the meat) they also hang around w annoying, fat kids who all think they are THE shit. FUCK YOU URBANSKI’S

Fat ginger bitch: HEY URBANSKI!! Give me a fiver and I’ll suck ur dick

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Urbanski - slang

little beta bitchboy, is an absolute creep with a smile as wide as his head but gives you those vibes that you should stay away from that person. Very short and has the body shape of a pear wears a lot of Broncos stuff and follows football mainly because he never goes outside and sits in his room saying he’s gonna be a football superstar despite never playing it once in his life. Urbanskis are usually very tough until it actually comes time to play the part and will talk about you behind your back but won’t actually do anything when it comes time to. If an urbanski ever has a crush on you just remember despite the amount of times you reject him he will not stop persisting to creep you out

Jeff: did you see that kid urbanski

James: yeah what a little bitch he was talking a lot of shit but told on me after I pressed him

Jeff: what a fucking bitch, absolute urbanski

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