Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Twots?

Thmerging of the words "tounge, tight, and wet" to describe a female's genitilia. Origionating on the East coast. Usually used only when talking about performing oral to a female. Or to describe how tight a female's vagina is.

(a)Male to female...Eh I'm tryna lick dat twot...wuss good?
(b)Calvin: I heard you was wit Angel last was it?
Mark: Maaaaayne she got that twot, I couldnt belive how wet she was!

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Twots - meme gif

Twots meme gif

Twots - video


Twots - what is it?

Acronym for "That Whore Over There". Replacing the THOT acronym for "That Ho Over There" because calling someone a THOT sounds like thought, which is just stupid.

*sees a thirsty female* Bruh, look at that TWOT.

👍37 👎19

What does "Twots" mean?

That whore over there

Look at that twot

👍35 👎15

Twots - what does it mean?

It's an acronym for 'total waste of time', often used on the internet, to describe things (pictures, videos, etc.) that someone wished they hadn't watched.

Refer to: RickRoll.

Well, that was a TWOT.

(Response to a message): TWOT!

👍267 👎309

Twots - meaning

Variant of twat, someone who is twattish but not quite that bad. Also used in a similar manner to feck, that is a polite replacement that can be used in mixed company.

That Brain out of Westlife's a right twot.

👍401 👎463

Twots - definition

Someone, who without effort, makes a right proper useless waste of space of himself. Not annoying, just a useless twot.

When he died it was a relief to us all... the useless twot.

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Twots - slang

The way most Canadians pronounce the slang insult, "Twat".

Veradun: That twatting spy got me!
Slytra: I'l get the Twot!
Slothability: O.o

👍143 👎115


a female pussy

clean that twot w/ a douche

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TWOT - Total waste of time

It can be a useless person or a useless object or action.

Oh my god that movie’s a TWOT

He is such a TWOT

👍145 👎43


Okay..firstly lets get rid of all this americentrix bollocks. USA and Canada? East Coast? West Coast? All Bullshit. Twot is an old English word, in use before the American continent was settled. Yes, its just another word for Twat.

What a small world you Twots live in

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