Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tuckin'?

When men tuck the penis and scrotum between their thighs to give the appearance of a woman.

What a bunch of nutt-tuckin hillbilly bastards!

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Tuckin' - meme gif

Tuckin' meme gif

Tuckin' - video


Tuckin' - what is it?

When a pair of people are not in a relationship , however are hanging out having sex etc. so they are β€œtalking and fuckin”

Are they together ? No . They’re tuckin’.

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What does "Tuckin'" mean?

The act of riding your $25 Amazon bidet on full blast so long your soul is cleaner than than a Mormon’s coffee cabinet.

I was tuckin’ haply after that 3 day camping trip.

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Tuckin' - what does it mean?

the act of tuckin your big cock between your legs and fuckin yourself in the ass

ooh im so coked out and horny but i dont have money for a ho ill just do some tuckin and stuffin

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Tuckin' - meaning

High Pants, No Bulge!!!

Girl 1: See that guy Trow Tuckin over there LOL!!!

Girl 2: It looks like the Ken doll stole Erkals pants!!!

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Tuckin' - definition

1. Nut Tuckin is another word for T Baggin. It's when you dip your nuts in a girls mouth, kinda like dropping tea bags in water.

2. Nut Tuckin is also what transexuals do to hide their balls. Basically taping their equipment to their ass.

1. How about some nut tuckin later?

2. I was wanting to hit that, until i found out he was a tranny and was nut tuckin.

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Tuckin' - slang

Knuckle tuckin - the art of finger banging . Finger bang

Rhianna doesn't have sex on the first date. But she's down for some tuckin knuckles !"

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When a transvestite tucks its dick in its Craiglist pics but when you go there it pulls out a dick that is bigger then yours

That bitch was tuckin in her pics so when I got there I had to choke her out

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The action of creating and or packin' a mangina

~ I'm tuckin'. You tuckin'
~ Tuckin' like McFuckin' yo

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when a car, truck or suv is lowered so much that the top of the tire is hidden behind the fenders. also tuckin wheel; tucking rubber.

that truck is so low its tuckin.

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