Definder - what does the word mean?

What is High Pants?

Some one who pulls there pants up as far as they go... usually a male at school they usually do there shirt up to the top button hole make a fake comb over and speaks with a lisp trying to look like a nerd or dork this will usually occurs from a class clown, a attempt to tease some one, some one who’s is try to piss off a (usually a push over a.k.a sup or tempo) teacher or some one trying to entertain there dum buddies for a few seconds

harry high pants e.g
1 hay look i joshsss hahaha i smell
2 idiot-hey misss whatss up. sub teacher- whats your name
Idiot Breden keppie(fake name) misssss sub-RIGHT breden you have an arvo Class-hahahaha sub-*looks around* and knows something up but no what it is
3 hahahah jeeezzzz look at me hhahahah

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High Pants - video


High Pants - what is it?

someone who wears their pant really high and in an uncool way.

"look how how shes wearing her pants"



"hahaha geez harry high pants"

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What does "High Pants" mean?

One who wears their pants really really high.

People often become these once they get old.

"Ha. Look at that harry high pants."

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High Pants - what does it mean?

a man that wonders all day in yories pants, then they call over linkin dirt with his umbrella

1. daniel is going to be a high pants, but he already is

2. hey uve seen high pants latly, yeah he hangs out at the rat infested store larry'es with that beaner loranzo,sophia, rebbeca, yorie, eqnalodo and zoo bars brother

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High Pants - meaning

1. (noun) term used to describe the practice of hiking pants up beyond acceptable limits.

2. (adjective) food industry vernacular; a term used to describe a person in the food industry.

"that high pants cashier gave me the wrong change"
"what's wrong with high pants today?"

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