Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Triple p?

A term that defines the terrible composition and smell of your fecal matter the morning after from consuming ample amounts of alcohol the night before.

-"Shit brah, I feel so much better after gettin' rid of the triple p's"


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Triple p - video


Triple p - what is it?

When you puke, piss, poop the bed

Holy heck! Leander Triple-P the bed last night on his 21st birthday!

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What does "Triple p" mean?

Definition: Potential Profile Picture.

Bud, that' a mint selfie - definitely a triple P!

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Triple p - what does it mean?

Pink princess part, meaning the vagina is bright pink.

"Hey dyl did you know you've got the triple P?"
"heLL YEah"

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Triple p - meaning

Picture Perfect Pussy

That girl got a Triple P!

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Triple p - definition

Piss Poor Performance

Damn did Chris earn the Triple P award today or what?

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Triple p - slang

Triple P or 3p stands for Pink Punk Pussy. It is usually used to refer to people who listen comercial punk, pop-punk and Emo music, who also wear pink clothes and act like girls.

It looks like Anti-Flag's bass player is becoming a Triple P.

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Triple p

Post Party Poop; after a long night of drinking taking a large poop the next morning as a cleansing ritual is known as the Triple P

"Hey, how was your night?" "Well, i did the triple p three times today. It, was awesome."

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Triple p

Shorthand for a political-polly-parrot–that is a person who:

1. Espouses the same right-wing talking points on any media available.

2. Gets all of his or her opinions from right wing media–mostly television and radio.

Both types of triple-P’s repeat the same whole phrases.

For example, on health care every triple-P is crying:

β€œDon’t cram this bill down our throats.”

β€œWe have to start over.”

β€œReconciliation is a sleazy trick.”

β€œ...Death panels...”

β€œ...a plot to kill grandma ...”

The worst triple-P is Cheney’s whelp. But since his eye surgery, I can’t even yell at the TV screen, β€œOh, not this cross-eyed bastard again!”

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Triple p

Shorthand for a political-polly-parrot–that is a person who:

1. Espouses the same right-wing talking points on any media available.

2. Gets all of his or her opinions from right wing media–mostly television and radio.

Both types of triple-P’s repeat the same whole phrases.

For example, on health care every triple-P is crying:

β€œDon’t cram this bill down our throats.”

β€œWe have to start over.”

β€œReconciliation is a sleazy trick.”

β€œ...Death panels...”

β€œ...a plot to kill grandma ...”

The worst triple-P is Cheney’s whelp. But since his eye surgery, I can’t even yell at the TV screen, β€œOh, not this cross-eyed bastard again!”

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