Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tpt?

Tiny Peepee Talker. A guy who talks himself up online as a big guy then sends unsolicited dick-pics to innocent women that prove his penis is actually tiny.

That Tyler is a real TpT. I heard he sent dick-pics to a girl on discord after boasting about how he was an alpha and a huge W. She says he’s pathetically tiny! Talk about a tiny prick tyler!

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Tpt - meme gif

Tpt meme gif

Tpt - video


Tpt - what is it?

TPT is a Tiny Pecker Tyler. A Male named Tyler who has a large ego, thinks he is Gods gift to the human race and will overcompensate for his tiny pecker by being a douche to everyone he encounters.

Man, he’s a TPT! He’s been nothing but rude to us he must be compensating for something.

Man, he’s a Tiny Pecker Tyler! He’s been nothing but rude to us he must be compensating for something.

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What does "Tpt" mean?

TPT stands for Tiny Pecker Tyler. A male named Tyler who has a large ego, thinks he has a large pecker, but in reality it’s tiny and compensates by being a dick.

Man he’s such a TPT. He’s been nothing but rude!

Man he’s such a Tiny Pecker Tyler. He’s been nothing but rude!

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Tpt - what does it mean?

Teachers Pay Teachers is a website your fat ass teacher goes to when he/she are too busy (LAZY) to develop their own work or assignments to fail students on purpose.

Teacher No. 01: I am so busy right now that I don't have time to create unit worksheets for mine students.

Teacher No. 02: I feel you... You know that is why I go to a website called "Teachers Pay Teachers". It is the best thing ever created for teachers like you and me.

Teachers Pay Teachers (Tpt) an online store that helps teachers fail their students by not providing an answer key for assignments.

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Tpt - meaning

Talking freaky and it nasty to your girl

You, TPT huh? Babe come eat this pussy

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Tpt - definition

True Player Thursdays: This is the night when the real players come out to play. They don't go out on Friday or Saturday nights because of the risk factor of being sprung is too high to manage and often intricate disguises are required on those days. There may be less prey around on Thursdays but those that are out in the open are either slow moving, easily confused by the flashy shirts or just can't count up to the number of drinks consumed.

Basketball legend Joakim Noah loves going out on TPT with his boys because that's when he can really let loose and let it all hang out. If the bars are dry there are always the KTV joints where once again he can let it ALL HANG OUT.

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Tpt - slang

a skanky, tattooed, trashy ho who wears a tight shirt that shows her gut, tight pants to show off her fat ass and wears pink boots from the 1980's. also has two first names.

Annmarie is the tpt on the floor.

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Abbreviations for the phrase Trailer-Park-Trash. A person with the charateristics:
-living in a trailer park in a hick town while sporting a mullet or some sort of facial hair(s)
-eating foods such as cornbread, drunk chicken, spam on a daily basis
-driving pick up trucks while proclaiming the power of ford/chevrolet with exuberance
-having numerous children
-inbred family

"That guy is TPT"
"Damnit, why do you look so TPT today"

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