Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Talent?

word to describe a females level of cutness/sex appeal/attractiveness
also used to identify a girl that is appealing to lok at

now that girl has some talent

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The Talent - video


The Talent - what is it?

the thing that the likes of justin bieber, miley cyrus, and the jonas brothers don't have.

why do these stupid 7-14 year-old girls like retards with no talent selling themselves to the media so much?

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What does "The Talent" mean?

Talent – Ability to do something well, like musical performance or acting. A complete lack of talent has never been a barrier to success in these fields (see Hilary Duff or Kevin Federline, for instance). Conversely, having extraordinary talent in these fields is no guarantee of success. Superior marketing beats superior talent every time (see Madonna).

Since when did you need talent to become famous as an actor or musician?

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The Talent - what does it mean?

when a girl is attractive, hot, fuckable, etc.

"Dude, this party blows. There is absolutely no talent here."

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The Talent - meaning

Having gigantuous amounts of talent.

The Contemporary Youth Orchestra is talentful.

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The Talent - definition

See Pronunciation

See Definition and/or Pronunciation

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The Talent - slang

Sexually attractive person.

Jimmy: Oh snap! Did you see that sorostitute?
Sam: Yah, there's definitely some talent around here.

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The Talent

One that is great at what they do.

Twisted Method
Acey Slade

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The Talent

Did you mean Justin Bieber?

It's the truth. He has no talent.

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The Talent

Alicia Tyra Corrales-Connor

Tuby : I just looked up the word β€˜talent’ but it’s just a picture of Alicia Corrales-Connor

Locy : Yes, that’s how dictionaries work

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