Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TeNKo?

Tenko Chashibara is a fictional character from a Visual Novel Game called Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, Tenko was known as the Ultimate Aikido Master, plus she was also a Man-Hater/Misandrist and probably a Lesbian, she even called all of the Male Characters "Degenerate Male" because she thinks that all Men or Males are bad people/assholes and she only nice to other girls like her.

Tenko Chashibara: This is why i hate "Degenerate Male"!

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TeNKo - meme gif

TeNKo meme gif

TeNKo - video


TeNKo - what is it?

A lesbian character (if you think she’s not lesbian fuck off), from danganronpa v3 who has a crush on her friend, Himiko Yumeno. Her ultimate is the ultimate aikido master.

Tenko Chabashira is my favorite v3 character!

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What does "TeNKo" mean?

The best girl in danganronpa

Person 1: who’s that?
Person 2: oh that’s Tenko Chabashira. Aka best girl.

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TeNKo - what does it mean?

Awesome character from Danganronpa V3, Ultimate Aikido Master, lesbian girl, totally crushing over Himiko.

Tenko Chabashira: "Train your heart by crying, laughing, and venting your anger, Himiko."
Himiko Yumeno: "I think you've trained too much!"

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TeNKo - meaning

Handyman's dead name

Tenko Shimura is dead. Plus Tomura Shigaraki is way seggsy

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TeNKo - definition

An character from the popular anime Danganronpa (specifically V3).

My favourite character is Tenko Chabashira!

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TeNKo - slang

Tenko is a term for disliking males. They usually appear in a 53rd version of a killing game.

The Tenko screamed β€œDEGENERATE MALE!”

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A word that includes reference to Danganronpa V3 character Tenko Chabashira. Used to describe an extreme love for women or a hate towards men who treat women like trash.

Ex 1: I just love women so much it's got me Tenkoing!

Ex 2: These degenerate males, I'm Tenkoing at their existence.

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Japanese name rarely used in anime,but often for characters who are feminists, or think that men are horrible. This stereotype of the extreme feminist is very rare in anime.

Guy 1: β€œHey, did you hear about the guy who got thrown across the cafeteria?”
Guy 2: β€œYeah, It was Tenko, wasn’t it...”
Guy 1:”yep, he said he couldn’t trust his girlfriend right before it happened. Tenko got really mad at him.”
Guy 2: β€œtypical Tenko.”

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A tenko is the biggest lesbian and feminist that does types of martial arts and will be angry at you for being a man and will most likely throw you across the room in a split second
And is used in killing games and will get beat up by a seesaw


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