Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tanna?

Tanna Leone is definetly one of greatest upcoming rappers because of his debut album Sleepy Soldier wich is lit af, He's a third member of Pglang next to Kendrick Lamar and Baby Keem.

Dude 1 (He is a g)"Man have you heard Sleepy Soldier from Tanna Leone?"
Dude 2 (isn't a g yet)"Nah dude havent heard of him"
"You should bcs hes not like other bullshit ass rappers.

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Tanna - meme gif

Tanna meme gif

Tanna - video


Tanna - what is it?

lazar beam ugly fucking sister she a hoe

look its a tanna on the street

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What does "Tanna" mean?

tanna is actually a ship name formed from names taja and anna, it is actually really cute. taja and anna love eachother dearly and taja actually can't wait to meet anna in person...and don't tell anna but taja has a big fat crush on her and last night she dreamed of her so that basically makes anna the girl of taja's dreams if we're honest.

tanna is the cutest ship outhere, except for taegguk of course no one can actually beat them, sorry taja and anna.

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Tanna - what does it mean?

A name that comes from s time of the Pharaohs, meaning โ€œOasisโ€, which she is. In the middle of a dry dessert she is a breath of fresh air and a cool glass of water.

Known in all circles as being the most amazing friend in the world, another word for 'best friend' and is the most dedicated and special friend anyone could ever imagine.
"Tannas is my bestie, she's truly the best and is so amazing!"

A person of strong morals and character with loyalty being her prized finding in the people she allows into her life and something her foundation is made of. Loyalty. It will be her epitaph.

Tannas is not one to withhold her thoughts or tongue to the point that she hurts people without realizing but immediately makes good on any pain she may have caused.

If she loves you, she loves you hard and unconditionally.

If you are cut out of her life, it is always YOUR loss, and one you will most likely never come back from but will always regret.

She will always be there for you even if itโ€™s been years since you last spoke, as long as you parted on good standing, that is.

No need to turn your back on her and worry. Not at all. Sheโ€™ll always stab you in the heart, face first, so you know it was her.

โ€œTannas is someone Iโ€™d always want at my side.โ€

โ€œI aspire to be Tannas, no matter the costโ€

โ€œTannas may have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth but sheโ€™s got a heart of gold. Both of which sheโ€™d sell if you needed anything at all.โ€

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Tanna - meaning

the most outgoing , unique person you will ever meet. extremley gorgeous and knows what she wants. never underestimate her , for she will prove you wrong. she snaps easily, but is an amazing & dependable person. she is unforgettable.

i know this awesome girl named tanna.

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Tanna - definition

Tanna a is a cute boy, like his name he is very special. Likable to all people and get along anywhere. The only downside of him is his big ass to which sometimes make other jealous

Tanna! I missed you!
Omg, I want ass like Tanna have so bad

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Tanna - slang

Tannas look often like Sasquatch. They eat alot and live out in the wilderness, with nothing 2do but play tag with squirrels. They have no friends except for a dead monkey burried inside there house. Tannas often wear no clothes whatsoever. They fly from trees and eat bricks. Guy Sasquatches are very attracted to tannas especially when they pick there nose by a tree. They Live in large cities and sometimes they sneak inside your house!!! there tall, tan, and hairy.

Damn look at that Beast Tanna!

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An extremely unusual island in the south-Pacific that at one point had a U.S. military base. Since then, most of the native inhabitants have developed a cult worshiping the United States. They eagerly await the next time a U.S. president will visit their tiny island.

She took a plane to Tanna.

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Tanna is that cute/funny girl who will watch shrek with you at 2AM. She knows how to read the energy and match the vibe. If you come across such a Tanna youโ€™ve just met an amazing person and reliable friend.

Usually hangs around a boi named Steve

Conversations with Tanna consist of

Tanna: โ€œBeans.โ€
Tanna: โ€œYes.โ€
Tanna: โ€œBHSDGSAโ€
Tanna: โ€œsttststssโ€

And her 10/10 dogs

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A Tanna is a loyal, and trustworthy person. You can vent to a Tanna about all the shit happening in your life. Although she may keep to her self, she will show her true colors around those she truly cares about. If you happen to become friends with a Tanna, donโ€™t jeopardize your friendship. Once you have become friends with a Tanna it is rare that you will find another. Tannas are passionate lovers that are extremely sensual and honest.

โ€œWow you found a Tanna?! You are a lucky man.โ€

โ€œYeah my best friend is a Tanna. Wouldnโ€™t be able to live without her.โ€

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