Definder - what does the word mean?

What is taja?

A person that is beautiful sexy with a big ass and big boobs. She's superb and bed and is great at oral sex. Kissable lips and a great attitude. This person has been through a lot and can be rude when there on bad terms. Shes pretty and very likeable in all aspects.

Tajae is very much intelligent and happy

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taja - meme gif

taja meme gif

taja - video


Taja - what is it?

A. noun; Group of go hard girls.
B. verb; when these go hard girls gather together to interact.
C. verb; being in the presence of these go hard girls.

Persons need not be individually identified for they are known world wide.

May be used in comparison
E.g. TAJA is better than ACE in all ways.

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What does "taja" mean?

A very hard working person,cute,sexy and has a super body. Tajas can be very funny and cares about his friends and family. Also an amazing footballer.


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Taja - what does it mean?

A hot, sexy, perfect female with a top quality body. Loves to make dirty jokes. The hottest person you know, so you should just go ahead and hookup already. She can commit, but is also good with one night stands. A bit of an adventurous party girl but with an empathetic side. We all know you're obsessed with her, so just go and get her! Stop chasing those boring Karens, and just do it already! But be ready for rejection because she is picky if you're not Cole Sprouse.

Person 1: omfg, Taja just passed by. She's so perfect.
Person 2: Go ask her out already!
Taja: Don't do it! I only like Cole Sprouses!
Person 1: See?
Person 2: Well, you're fucked.

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Taja - meaning

Taja is thick asf. She’s very upfront and blunt. She’ll speak her mind whenever. She can most definitely take your man babe. She can fight but chooses not to. She’s very prideful

Taja’s so thick folk

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Taja - definition

Known as one of the most Honorable β€œBro Gads”

I have some friends that are my real Tajaes

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Taja - slang

Probably your best friend, she's cute and sweet but you wont date her. Its because your to busy chasing fugly troll should just ask her out already. But you wont because your afraid of rejection

Louie: Hey taja i feel like i can tell you anything
Taja: Same...I love you
Louie: I love you too
Taja: I really wished I had a boyfriend as amazing and cool as you
Louie: Yea so i guess i will see you monday! *kisses cheak*

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hot sexy girls with a weird sense of humor

Those girls are so taja!

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Is a very hot, pretty and intelligent girl. She is very caring, loyal and honest. She has an amazing body and is literally an angel. She loves alcohol and likes parties, but is still an hardworking person and reach always her goal. Everyone likes her, she also is very creative and has mostly a funny or sarcastic humor. Taja’s are like Tanzanite, one of the rarest gemstones jewels on the world. They are very precious and if you find one of them don’t let them go.

Person 1: Who is this? damn
Person 2: This is Taja, she looks like she is from another planet right!? And she is very funny, you will like her!

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The hindi version of the word freshie meaning
Someone who has just entered a english speaking country, and has poor english skills and has a very odd and mocked accent. Normally a person who has moved from a eastern country to a western country;

e.g. India to UK

Most of them wear trampy clothes (most asian freshies wear sandals the whole year round), and education is all they talk about.

If it is an asian freshy, then their man aim is to get their children to get all A*, and for their children to go to oxford uni.

Randomly shouting 'taja' or calling freshies taja's as only they know what it means

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