Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TRUES?

A way to agree with someone or say you're right.

Joe: man i'm broke as a joke
Tim: yea but you're getting paid next week
Joe: true

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TRUES - meme gif

TRUES meme gif

TRUES - video


TRUES - what is it?

A confirming response, short for 'that is true". Also, a white man's version of 'true dat'.

'Yo, is that babe fine or what?'
'True that!'

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What does "TRUES" mean?

When somebody doesn't have anything intelligent to say in response to a statement that is made that does not need a response.

Mike: There's only one donut left in the box.
Bob: That's true!

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TRUES - what does it mean?

"This is true" is a term used by buddy's who are agreeing with what someone has just said.

Dude #1 "Man that dank we smoked last night was da bomb, yo!"

Dude #2 "This is true!"

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TRUES - meaning

A girl who is outgoing and kind. Someone who could not say no to anyone even if they have done wrong by her. Trues tend to be loving and respected by peers. Tries hard to show her affection and is extremely beautiful to everyone around her. Always looks good no matter what.

Wow did you see True today? She is beautiful!

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TRUES - definition

Can pretty much be used to answer anything. Sometimes it meant to agree/disagree/sarcastically answer something.

Friend 1 - I gotta new bike today!
Friend 2 - True.

Friend 1 - I gotta go visit my dad's foster mom in jail today.
Friend2 - True...

Friend 1 - I don't wanna go to the mall today.
Friend 2 - True.

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TRUES - slang

a less intense way of saying fo sho

Honkey 1: I just got the ill new whip
Honkey 2: TRUE

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Used in response to any phrase.
Whether to clarify a statement, agree, avoid a subject or make someone shut the fuck up.

Ex. 1 - To clarify
Rob: I smoked an ounce the other day.

Jake: True?
Rob: True.

Ex. 2 - To agree.
Joey: Monica is so fine.
Troy: True

Ex. 3 - To avoid a subject.
Mom - You should start your homework soon.
Son: True

Ex. 4 - To make someone shut the fuck up
David: Yo. Did the vape come in yet?
Brad: True

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Ghetto form of true, indeed, yep, I concur, I agree, that's true

Person One: Yo, dis shit is da bomb for sheezy

Person Two: True dat!

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the best canadianism ever. generally used to denote agreement

true true, man. i totally i gree with you, and whatnot

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