Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TOs?

Tits on a Stick. Is an Escort term.

Damn she was skinny, but had fake DD's...a real TOS.

👍101 👎69

TOs - meme gif

TOs meme gif

TOs - video


TOs - what is it?

An abbreviation for Tales of Symphonia.

Person: TOS is a fun game, but with bad graphics

👍137 👎99

What does "TOs" mean?

To poke somebody in the vagina

I toed a girl

👍67 👎31

TOs - what does it mean?

To stick a toe into an oriface. Usually the anal or vaginal oriface.

Did you hear about Duffy? Yeah he toed his mom!

👍125 👎65

TOs - meaning

The act of sticking a Toe up one's ass.

I was getting pissed off at Derek and I said "DATS IT, I'm gonna Toe you now"

👍77 👎35

TOs - definition

Terms of service for any website or application. A lot of the times the ToS is dogshit.

Discord User: Uses BetterDiscord because Discord Devs are too lazy to implement a theme system

Discord: We have disabled your account. Using client modifications are against our Terms of Service (ToS)

Discord User: Add themes to Discord then

Discord: If you would like that feature, be sure to put it in our suggestion board which we never check

👍25 👎11

TOs - slang

For Trekkies, "The Original Series", refering to the first Star Trek series to grace television networks everywhere

Captain Kirk is a TOS era character

👍395 👎205


Just click Agree, nevermind the TOS

i violate it

👍489 👎241


To get kicked off your ISP for violating the "Terms Of Service"

If I get one more spam complaint about that guy he's gonna get the TOS

👍1125 👎407


"Terms of Service"

Wilbur Soot on his Twitch stream singing Sad (by Bo Burnham):

Was supposed to say "the h0l0c0ust and 9/11, that shit's funny!
But he said: TOS, TOS! That shit's funny!
(in order to not get banned or temporarily signed out.

👍93 👎21