Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THEX?

Doing the deed under the name of Thomas. You do this to provide offspring for thommunism.

β€œCan we do Thex?”
β€œSure, for thommunism?

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THEX - meme gif

THEX meme gif

THEX - video


THEX - what is it?

Fucked up, Drunk, wasted

Yo I’m fucking thexed right now

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What does "THEX" mean?

verb - to rub someones upper arm as if to flirt

Jim: haha, I'm thexign you!
Larry: WTF? you meeter!!!1 why are your flirtishly rubbing my upper arm? are you a homosexual?

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THEX - what does it mean?

A mispronunciation of the commonly used word sex, usually by someone with a lisp

"my boyfriend and i were thinking about trying THEX EN TEH ATHOLE"

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