Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Swervo?

term used when one has been rejected or swerved or friend zoned by someone

Bro I just swervo ganged by this dude

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Swervo - meme gif

Swervo meme gif

Swervo - video


Swervo - what is it?

swervo is a very hot women who likes to call random people mommy and has the humour of a faggot.

swervo is so cool😭πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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What does "Swervo" mean?

The realest OG of them all. He has your back in any situation; always down to ride with the homies to fuck shit up. Never hesitates to full send it in any situation.

β€œYo did you see WymanIsland, that man for sure a G Swervo!”

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Swervo - what does it mean?

J Swervo is a 16 year old Hip Hop Artist/Rapper from Haledon, New Jersey. He makes greats music. He is the GOAT

Did your hear that new track J Swervo dropped last Friday?

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Swervo - meaning

The name given to gas stations in Australia, possibly due to their proximity to highways and the fact that you usually have to cross 3 lanes of traffic at 90 klm/h when you realize you won't make it to the next one.

I saw Jimmy at the swervo, buying fags for his mom.

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Swervo - definition

South African Producer

Swervo is the best producer in the world.

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Swervo - slang

to be swervin fat; to drive a whip like u stole it basically

Girl: Do u like to drive?
Real G: Hell yeah bitch I love to swervo in that whip

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Swervo Is the name of a artist named Jay Swervo it means Stop,Wasting,Energy,Realize Value,Only.

you hurd jay Swervo new track

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G herbo’s (alter ego name) is Swervo

Yo swervo was fucked up that night

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The sexiest nigga in the whole wide world do you get me 😊😊

Swervo: aye Swervo isn’t that your shorty

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