Definder - what does the word mean?

What is down to ride?

1) What Birdman does to you if you tresspass on his property (as sited by Wesley Willis)

2) When someone yells at you until you go crazy

"Birdman beat me to a pulp
He gave me a yell-down war hell ride
He told me that he was going to kill me if I don't get off his real estate
He gave five minutes to get in my Bronco and hit the rookie road"
--Wesley Willis (Birdman Kicked My Ass)

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down to ride - video

Down to ride - what is it?

If someone is "Down to Ride" he have always lust to go with his Bicycle, no matter if the temperataur is below zero, bad weather or if it`s night. "There`s no bad weather. Only bad cloth...." is something he could say, or "Eh man, whats up? Don`t be lazy, get up and go biking!!"

Man, he is definitely down to ride...
Iยดm down to ride

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What does "down to ride" mean?

down to ride

=down to retaliate,

comes from the biker slang "ride or die" thus meaning: you are down to "ride" for someones death.

"they shot mike!!"
"lets do this, im down to ride!!"

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Down to ride - what does it mean?


If someone is DTR, it means that they are excited to do basically anything. This is especially true of situations of craziness, ridiculousness, randomness, and spontaneity.

DTR can be a lifestyle. It can also be a mood.

me - "Hey, we're not doing anything... Wanna go light some stuff on fire?"

friend - "Sure, man! I'm down to ride!"

me - "Later we can go climb some buildings and point laser pointers at drunk people!"

friend - "Totally DTR."

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