Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Swbs?

Acronym meaning "skinny white bitch."
Often used for thin white females dating black males.

Girl: Ooh that girl makes me mad, she just another SWB stealin a decent black man.

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Swbs - meme gif

Swbs meme gif

Swbs - video


Swbs - what is it?

swb is an abreaviation for β€œsince way back”. This can be used in text, as a contact name.

An example would be if you were greeting a friend to a friend and you wanted them to know you’ve known this person a while.

β€œAye my G, this the mandem I’ve been talkin’ β€˜bout. I know him β€˜since way back’.”

This could also be a contact name for someone β€œswb”

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What does "Swbs" mean?

Skinny White Boy.

A typical skinny white boy. Except he probably has a lot of swag, steez, and most likely better than your average white boy.

That SWB has a lot of swag in that raw denim.

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Swbs - what does it mean?

Stupid White Bitch, more effective than skinny white bitch, used to refer to a dumb, usually Caucasian female who is a complete idiot, although it may be used to refer to anyone who thinks they are smart but are actually really fucking stupid. Can be used after some one tries to sound smart and fails miserably.

Irvis, you are such a swb.

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Swbs - meaning

Star Wars Boner

To be so excited for Star Wars that you are physically aroused.

Dude I have a major SWB going on right now.

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Swbs - definition

A swb (pronounced swib) is a straight white boy. These are not your average straight white boys, though. Oh, no! Swbs are those douchey straight guys who rub you the wrong way if you catch my drift. They strut around in packs, lurking for the V (and by V, I mean vagina). In short, they are fuckboys.

Swb: Hey baby, wanna fuck?
Girl: Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww, gross! Get away from me, you swb! You nasty!

Swb: Dude, you bang her?
Classy man: Uh, no. We went to the zoo and fed the goats.
Swb: touched her butt?
Classy man: Unbelievable. What a swb!

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Swbs - slang

Acronym for Skinny White Boy Syndrome, a common ailment among skinny white boys preventing them from ever getting tan or building muscle. Can be cured with a trail vaccine or by gaining a beer gut and a rash.

He's got SWBS bad; whenever he takes off his shirt, we're blinded unless he turns sideways.

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Meaning 'slut with benefits' and used as a form of slut shaming.

Pronounced 'swub'
Used by a scorned jealous woman to describe her ex-partners' new female sexual partner.

Woman to friend "We've barely broken up and he's already found himself an SWB"
Woman to ex-partner "Tell your SWB to stop taunting me!"
Woman to friend "she's not a FWB, she's an SWB"

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meaning 'Skinny White Bitch' is an adjective pronounced (swub). This is a girl, while skinny and white, to be found particularly unattractive to the general male populace. (see also butterface) They are notably mousy. However, one male member in a group of friends without fail, proceeds to date several of these girls and find them interesting, despise their major lack of personality and looks. This term is often used behind the back of (and at times to the face of) the friend who is dating the swb. May also be used in as an adverb: swb-ly or (swubly).

Friend 1: Did you see his new chick?
Friend 2: Oh yea. There he goes again! What a swb!
Friend 1: Yea, she was hella swb-ly.

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Abbrev. Short-waisted body. A person with no upper torso, no arms, and has their head and neck on pelvis

That SWB girl really likes her new penny loafers.

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