Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Studi?

An activity performed by a student (usually at the last minute) to recall what the professor has been teaching for the whole semester. The word studying interestingly enough has the word "dying" within it. The purpose of this is to alert the victim as to how they will feel (as if they were dying) while participating in the activity.

Student : I was up studying section eight all night looking for the answer to problem number twenty six. I wanted to die when I couldn't find it. Where is the answer in section eight?

Professor : It's not in the book. You can find it in our in-class notes.

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Studi - meme gif

Studi meme gif

Studi - video


Studi - what is it?

no homework

teacher: alright class, the homework is to study
students: yes! no homework

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What does "Studi" mean?

The thing teenage boys tell they’re moms their doing when there jacking off.

Mom: β€œHoney I’m coming in to your room because off laundry!”
Honey: β€œNo mom fuck off I’m, studying!!”

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Studi - what does it mean?

A blend of the words "student" and "dying," used to convey the slow and painful methods schools use to corrupt the youth into socio-economic puppets.

Teacher: Student, why aren't you studying, you need to study so that you can advance in the world.

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Studi - meaning

Texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby

Dude, I have to study

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Studi - definition

what we students should be doing at the moment

Instead of studying I decided to look up random words on urban dictionary.

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Studi - slang

If you're looking up this word there's a very high chance you should be studying yourself.

Rather than studying, Billy browsed the internet for 3 days and bombed his English 101 exam.

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(verb) The act of texting, facebooking, eating, and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.

I got caught up on my favorite show, all while eating my chinese food and updating my status on facebook. Then, I realized I had my organic chem final tomorrow. Successful night of studying!!

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Nonexistent at The Ave. An avetard will only study on the day of their exam by popping an addy and studying nonstop for 8 hours. He will only manage to get a C on the exam and go back to The Ave and get baked af.

"I think Henry is in his room studying for his test on Friday"
"Nah, he's in his room out like a light because he took a dab"

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what you're avoiding right now

you are avoiding studying right now

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