Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Stormz?

hot guy with lots of females

bro hes a stormz

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Stormz - meme gif

Stormz meme gif

Stormz - video


Stormz - what is it?

Stormz - a hot ass attractive man, usually from Australia.
he be pullin shit ton of females
stormz runs cord

👍25 👎11

What does "Stormz" mean?

you aren't good enough to know

----- Stormz ---- ----- ---- ---- please.

👍33 👎27

Stormz - what does it mean?

The youngest friend in a friendship group usually referred to as a gremlin child

Person 1: Lmao imagine being bad at minecraft
Person 2: Shut the fuck up you gremlin child, stop acting like a stormz

👍25 👎11