Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gg?

✨Geothermic Gallium ✨

Every Urban Dictionary definition deserves to have that one obscure scientific abbreviation, such as "geothermic gallium" for the common gaming expression "gg."

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gg - meme gif

gg meme gif

gg - video

Gg - what is it?

Literally something that you say after every match on a multiplayer video game.

An acronym for "good game" or "go go" (usually said at the start of a match). It's usually used because it's very quick to type out and you want to acknowledge the other gamers that you played with without having to start an awkward conversation that no one really want to participate in.

*Minecraft skywars game ends*

x420noscopez420x: "gg"
69ididurmum: "gg"
smokew33derryday: "gg"
xXbumassbeetchXx: "gg"
virgin4lyf: "gg"
bigdick420: "gg"
bawsaq: "gg"

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What does "gg" mean?

it basically means "gang gang"

person: ay you really did that
person 2: yeah gg y know?

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Gg - what does it mean?



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Gg - meaning

GG or Good Game.
Usually encountered in eSport game match to unofficially say 'we concede'. The other team would then reply with 'gg' or 'gg wp'

it's usually combined together with wp (well played) as one phrase

TeamAnoob1: ggwp
TeamBpwnByNoob: gg wp

TeamAnoob1 has called a vote for TeamA to concede

. . .

TeamA has conceded the match, stats have been recorded.

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Gg - definition

When pronounced ("Gee-gee"), sounds like the slang term for "penis" in Chinese Mandarin.

You have a small gg.

You have a small penis.

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Gg - slang

1. Standing for "Good Game", it is usually said after a round or match of a game as a show of good sportsmanship.

2. Might also be used as another way of saying, "Good Going" or "Nice Job".

1. Red Team: GG, blue team.
Blue Team: What are you talking about ? The score was 50 - 7.

2. Person A: Dude, I think she's pregnant.
Person B: ... GG !!!

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Overused to the point of vulgarity abbreviation intended to stand for "good game." When people say it no matter what (especially when the winners say it), it dilutes the phrase to the point of meaninglessness. They might as well just say "hahah we kicked your asses."

Come on people, if it was a good game, say "damn that was a good game."

If it was shitty or merely mediocre, don't dilute a phrase that could be used as a compliment if it didn't mean jack squat.

Shut the FUCK up. That was NOT a good game. You fucking slaughtered us. YOU played well, but we did not, so don't patronize us with halfassed "pleasantries" when you're really just being dingleberries.

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short for geez/jeez

gg you're really annoying

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phrase used in multiplayer computer games meaning "good game." if two or more players have fought a good, hard battle, a "gg," usually first uttered by the losing player, is a polite way of admitting a loss. usually, the winning player follows with another "gg", meaning, "yes, good game."
however, if followed by a rude comment, such as "gg bitch," it means the opponent thinks he has won, or has no respect. some ruder gosu players sometimes will say, "gg", followed by "no re" meaning, no rematch, you're too weak for me.

4K.Grubby has devastated sk.Zacard's base sk.Zacard: "GG"
4K.Grubby: "gg"

4K.Grubby has devastated sk.Zacard's base
4K.Grubby: "GG KTHX NO RE N00B"
sk.Zacard: "WTF?"

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