Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Stone Hands?

(SHS): being unable to dangle even the shakiest, hack beer league defense-man.

"your Stone Hand Syndrome cost us another power play scoring opportunity you dick."
"i'm not putting you on for the final 2 minutes, your stone hand syndrome won't get us that game winning goal."

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Stone Hands - video


Stone Hands - what is it?

To become stoned by affiliation or by the presence of your stoned friends even though you never blazed.

Friends acting stoned
"Girl, you're acting so second hand stoned right now."

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What does "Stone Hands" mean?

To become stoned by breathing in the exhaled fumes of a pot smoker.

Dude! I'm gonna make you second hand stoned!!!!

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Stone Hands - what does it mean?

A term for a person with clumsy hands, usually related to hand eye coordination in sports.

Stone hands, otherwise known as Darrius Heyward-Bey Syndrome.

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Stone Hands - meaning

A phrase used by football players that means you can't catch good.

I will be reciever I'm ill @ catching.

other guy: no fucking way you suck you hav like stone hands

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Stone Hands - definition

A term for a person with clumsy hands, usually related to hand-eye coordination in sports.

Stone hands, otherwise known as Darrius Heyward-Bey Syndrome.

Al Davis: Darrius Heyward-Bey had 9 catches in 11 games last year.
Michael Crabtree: Nigga's got stone hands.

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