Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sourdough's?

An anglo man/ woman who has dread locks. Generally they will follow the Northern California dope smoking/ growing, and/ or complete removal of self from the main stream except to own a cell phone and/ or get their email.

Did you see that guys dreads? I think I saw a peice of one fall on the floor...he's such a sourdough rasta.

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Sourdough's - meme gif

Sourdough's meme gif

Sourdough's - video


Sourdough's - what is it?

When your dick be given girls yeast infections.

Jason has a sourdough cock he did those girls dirty.

👍33 👎13

What does "Sourdough's" mean?

When that pussy smelling like some fresh sourdough bread.

Damn you fucking with Ailie? I heard she got some sourdough pussy.

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Sourdough's - what does it mean?

After a man penetrates a yeast infected vagina, the woman proceeds to perform fellatio. In doing so, she ingests her own yeast infected juices.

I got this ho on discount cause she had a nasty yeast infection. It was all good though cause I got a sourdough blow.

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Sourdough's - meaning

the act of intercourse with a female that currently has a yeast infection.
(also a brand of Synder's Pretzels)

Roger was desperate when he laid the Sourdough Pounder to Vanessa.

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Sourdough's - definition

when a guy with a chode fucks a girl with yeast infection

ryan made a sourdough bratwurst with your mom last night

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Sourdough's - slang

When a girl puts her yeast infection pus in a man's mouth as an act of sexual intent.

I sourdoughed my girlfriend yesterday, my tongue turned yellow afterwards.

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A nickname or descriptor for a woman who doesn't clean her vagina to the point where yeast infections along with many other diseases and crotch-rot are simply assumed.

"Man, she was really bakin' a loaf of bread down there.
Yea, I bet it was a loaf of sourdough."

"That bitch, Sourdough, gave me a UTI. :<"

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the absolute best type of bread. no other bread can match the heavenly taste of sourdough

person a: mmm this bread is so good
person b: *thinking* ah yes that must be sourdough

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a true or veteran Alaskan

"He's a real sourdough; he hikes, fishes, kayacks, and loves could weather."

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