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What is Soggy Muffin?

A particularly foul and painful yeast infection sometimes resulting in an ungodly smelling doughy residue being emitted from the vagina.

"Hey Linda, have you ever had a soggy muffin?"

👍97 👎143

Soggy Muffin - video


Soggy Muffin - what is it?

A competitive game played with a group of niggaz in the form of masturbating. The objective of the game is to cum on a muffin. Last nigga to, is forced to eat the muffin as a losers trophy.

NICK: hey rafa, wanna play soggy muffin??
RAFA: no baby, not tonight, i'm still full from last night.

👍137 👎147

What does "Soggy Muffin" mean?

Noun: a game in which 3 or more juvenile men surround a single muffin and excrete their sex juices upon it. The last to do so tastes the so called, "Soggy Muffin"

Yo Nick, wanna play some soggy muffin with that dude in the corner, me, time and john?

👍155 👎111

Soggy Muffin - what does it mean?

a game in which a bunch of guys get in a circle and jack off, and the last one to cum on the muffin either eats the muffin or gives the winner 10 seconds of head.

john:"how do you know what dick tastes like?"
petah:"because when we played soggy muffins, i wouldn't eat the cum of 50 guys"

👍111 👎51

Soggy Muffin - meaning

A group of bored and unmotivated men that sit around a arousing muffin and continue to masturbate until they ejaculate onto the muffin and the last contestant to orgasm on this creamy muffin has to eat it.

Joe, Mark, Jim, and I were bored one winter day so we decided to play soggy muffin which ended in Joe puking up all of his pride.

👍79 👎43

Soggy Muffin - definition

A competitive game played with a group of men in the form of masturbating. The objective of the game is to orgasm on a muffin. Last person to, is forced to eat the muffin as a losers trophy.

I can win at soggy muffin against all you guys.

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