Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RAFA?

Gareth Ward, once a shadow who reaked havoc on corporations and basically everything on a network, and now a fully legit network security specialist

Hey RaFa, got fatter sinse you joined the enemy, ey?

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RAFA - meme gif

RAFA meme gif

RAFA - video


RAFA - what is it?

A boy that typically is cray but nice. He loves nature and probably likes climbing trees. He's also very generous when it comes to close friends. You are very lucky if you are in his group of friends.

Ay look! Rafa is in a tree again!

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What does "RAFA" mean?

Short for Rafael, a Spanish name.

Rafa, don't be so cabron, man.

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RAFA - what does it mean?

a sexy ass kid. male. usually polish. fun to talk to. amazingly attractive. great to hang out with. makes people laughh. amazing kisser.
get to know a rafae !
#sexy#great looking#male#amazing#attractive

Person1: Hey who is that sexy mofo?
Person2: That's rafae

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RAFA - meaning

It is a nickname given for boys and girl for the names Rafael, Rafaela or Rafaelle.

"Rafa is the tallest girl on her class"
"Rafa Nadal is a very good guy when he is playing tennis"

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RAFA - definition

nickname for tennis player Rafael Nadal, world #2 and Wimbledon champion from Spain.

Did you see Rafa beat Federer today?

I <3 Rafa.

Rafa is amazing on both clay and grass.

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RAFA - slang

A nickname for Rafael. He makes the best little brother and often behaves a lot like the person he shares a room with. He keeps to himself for the most part but once you get to know him he opens up.

Rafa you're an amazing brother and friend !!

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A goddess from the lands of Marikina City who’s proven to be a multi-talented artist from head to toe.

Oh my god, Rafa is so pretty.

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Rafa is the girl everyone wants to be. She's the "her" of her school, the girl that everyone chases just to win her heart. One of the most beautiful girls I have seen in my whole life.

rafa, an ethereal beauty.

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a type of goddess usually in the form of a person who’s known to be multi-talented and intelligent at the same tine.

i just knew she’s a rafa

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