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What is cum on a muffin?

A person who, when pricked with a pin, will begin to seep semen from the opening from which the pin came from. See pus balloon.

👍41 👎133

cum on a muffin - video


Cum on a muffin - what is it?

A woman who you are sexually interested in because you want to bust a nut all over their insides.

"What's up cum muffin, you wan sum fuk?"

👍31 👎15

What does "cum on a muffin" mean?

a muffin filled with cum

obama: i eat cum muffin

👍25 👎11

Cum on a muffin - what does it mean?

This game is usually played with 3 or more paticipants in any enviroment.

To play this game, first you must buy a muffin and hollow out the top to mid-center like a basin.

Next players "Circle jerk" into the muffin. Whoever is last to ejaculate into the muffin is the person who must eat the muffin, or they are bludgeoned by their friends.

Simply put, this game is "Last to beat it, eat it."

Did you hear about Nick downing that cum muffin? GROSS! I bet he liked it..

That Ryan kid came first, I think he's gay..

👍129 👎59

Cum on a muffin - meaning

A paper towel, tissue or toilet paper that is cummed into and then wadded up.

"Ew, I found one of your cum muffins on the floor of your room!"

👍211 👎49

Cum on a muffin - definition

Noun - A person who is filled with cum regularly and likes to wear slutty clothes. Also their physical shape is of a Muffin.

Could also refer to someone that you just think is an asshole, and needs to fuck off. Can refer to both guys and girls.

Guy 1 - hey what page are we on?
Guy 2 - I dont fucking know, find out yourself you cum guzzling slut muffin.

Girl 1 - hey I like your shirt :)
Girl 2 - yeah, it's better than yours you skank ass cum guzzling slut muffin bitch.

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Cum on a muffin - slang

a term used your ex girlfriends

that bitch was a cum guzzleing cunt muffin

👍25 👎11

Cum on a muffin

a game played where a buch of guys try to cum on a muffin and whoever cums last has to take a bite out of it

The JROTC members played cum on a muffin and Frank lost. He licked the cum of the top and then started sucking on it like a penis. then he bit off the tip

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