Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sociopath?

A word that's thrown around an awful lot these days. Originally reserved for very sick, antisocial individuals, people are now branded "sociopaths" for minor transgressions. A dandified way of calling somebody an asshole, if you will.

Often seen in use on Reddit and Tumblr.

Person A: Did you just double-dip that chip??
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: You're not allowed to do that.
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: Sociopath!

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Sociopath - meme gif

Sociopath meme gif

Sociopath - video


Sociopath - what is it?

A sociopath is mainly identified by there being something very wrong with a person's conscious. They either 1) have a conscious with "holes" in it, 2)they don't seem to have one at all or 3) they are able to completely neutralize their sense of conscious into a perspective that they aren't doing anything wrong.
One thing is for sure: Sociopaths only care about themselves and only see themselves as being "real" or truely human. Everybody and everything outside of themselves are twisted in their mind into mere objects to be used to achieve personal fulfillment.
A sociopath oftin believes that they are doing nothing wrong or doing something greatly good, due to their egocentricity and grandiose sense of self-worth. They will cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please at any expense of anyone in their lives; predators who satisfy their lust for power and control through superficial charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence.
There seems to be a difference between the made sociopath (one who's lived a life with a childhood that pushed them into the mind state of a sociopath) and the "true" sociopath (one who is born a sociopath.)
- Common Sociopath: simple lack of conscious.
- Alienated Sociopath: an inability to love or recieve love.
- Aggressive Sociopath: a consistent saddistic streak.
- Dyssocial Sociopath: an ability to abide by GANG rules, as long as these rules are the WRING rules.
A list of common (but not limmited-to) sociopathic traits and charictaristics:
Egocentricity, callousness, lack of impulse control, exaggerated sexuality, great boasting, inability to resist temptation, a lowly attitude toward the opposite sex, a lack of intirest in bonding with a mate, siblings or their own children. Superficial and glib charm, need for stimulation and continuous praise, lack of remorse, guilt, empathy and behavioral controls. Juvinile delinquency, criminal versatility, many short-term relationships and sometimes a God-like grandiose sense of self worth. It all begins and ends with that person's defect of conscious.
Something like the Vulcans in Star Trek a sociopath's reasoning can't seem to handle any mixing of their cognition and emotions. Apparently, some of the more prominant psycologists believe it only takes THREE of the above to be defined as a sociopath.

A true Sociopath is rare and ever more rare is a woman who is a sociopath. Some rather well known sociopaths are Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Marcas Wesson and Scot Peterson.
Some fictional sociopaths are Kevin (Sin City) and Lisa (Girl, Interrupted)

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What does "Sociopath" mean?

A sociopath is something with disregard for others. They do not care about other and have no conscience on consequence or the issue to come after making decisions. If you want to think of a person, use Jake Paul

Have you seen Jake Paul’s new video? He’s acting like a sociopath!

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Sociopath - what does it mean?

At the end of the day it's really just someone who is simply more savage.

"Dude did you hear that Jake Paul is a sociopath?"
"Ye, he's such a savage" *dabs*

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Sociopath - meaning

A sociopath is someone with a social metal disorder that either causes them to lack a moral compass, have a moral compass that doesn't really point north, or ignore their moral compass. There are two basic types of sociopath; inherent and noninherent. Inherent sociopaths are often less moral than noinherent sociopaths considering they never were taught right from wrong. Many people have come to think of sociopaths as emotionless assholes that manipulate and do not value other humans. Although most extreme cases find this to be true, some sociopaths are actually NOT evil serial killers like Ted Bundy or brutal fascists like Adolf Hitler. I myself am a sociopath, and am actually able to feel emotions, contrary to popular belief, he'll, I've even had several steady relationships. Anyway, several qualities about sociopaths actually differ greatly with society's views.

Hitler was a sociopath, but Mufasa had a few sociopathic qualities, too.

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Sociopath - definition

One who often knows what there doing is wrong, but simply dosent care. Generally Sociopaths have very High IQ's and due to this dont see many other people as equals. Lack of conscience. A lot of Murders, Billionaires, and Dictators have been considered Sociopaths.

Scared your a sociopath?

Ask yourself these questions. If you find yourself saying yes to a lot of them your probably a sociopath.

-Lots of people find you funny or charming, but they don't really know you. Once they get to, they turn away.

-Very Few people actually know the real "YOU"

-You sometimes enjoy people cry

-You are known for racist remarks yet dont consider yourself racist

-You break laws (even big ones).

- Lots of people who like you, let very few true freinds.

-You don't have a problem lying to get what you want.

-When you say you're sorry, you usually don't mean it.

-You have a love / hate relationship with your parents.

-You don't like to joke about yourself - or when people
joke about you.

-You've lied to people just to see if you could get away with it.

-You have a high IQ yet dont do as well as you could do in school.

-You often act before you think about the consequences.

-You got in trouble a lot when you were a kid.

-Others accuse you of being secretive or shady.

-It's hard for you to be loyal.

-You don't think in terms of "right" and "wrong."

-You have been cruel to animals.

-It's hard for you to empathize with people's problems.

-You don't really have any plans or structure in your life.

-You break people's trust

-You are a pyromaniac.

-You have at least one strange, overwhelming phobia.

-You are very good at manipulating people and situations.

-You are almost always bored.

-You have cheated a lot on past partners.

-You see people as your pawns.

-Your relationships tend to be short. At first people love you, and later on they hate you.

-You have trouble holding down a steady job.

-You have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex.

-You've stolen stuff from close freinds.

-You've made up stories to get empathy.

Mike lies a lot to get ahead. He says things he knows will cut to the bone, yet dosent care. We used to think he was cool. Now we know hes probably a sociopath.

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Sociopath - slang

A Sociopath is an individual who lacks a conscience.These individuals are opportunists and have extremely high IQ's which they use to their advantage.

Sociopaths are social geniuses who are constantly making split second calculations. They use the scientific method and tend to know all variables in a social setting. Sociopaths are like chameleons, they can blend into anything they need to be at the time. Sociopaths are known to be hilarious people with many friends.They always win arguments because they see things that normal people see. They can find the smallest inconsistencies and hone in on them. Don't argue with a sociopath because you will end up losing to them or you will end up thinking you are right (trust us, you can't beat a sociopath)

We have interviewed females that have dated Sociopaths, and they all said the same thing; Sociopaths are amazing in bed. They have powerful sex drives along with uncanning skill. Sociopaths don't feel love, due to an under active part of the brain called the Amygdala. Since they are incapable of loving, they substitute it for lust. Keep a sociopath in your life but do not get attached to them romantically. In simpler terms, don't expect to get married to them, instead have sex with them.

Never cross a sociopath. You will regret it and you will never be comfortable with yourself ever again. Sociopaths will crush you if you get in their way. You have been warned.

Tom: I can't ever win an arguement with Patrick. He's just too smart to beat.

Shane: Patrick is a sociopath, don't argue with him because you will end up losing.

Tom: One day Ill win an arguement.

Shane: Sociopaths are so smart that they can pick apart and analyze your agruement within a split second. Even if you think you are right, you are still wrong.

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Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They also possess a low moral sense, as well as a history of crime, legal problems, or impulsive and aggressive behavior.

There can be good sociopaths but yeah they're mostly bad.

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Sherlock Holmes

I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research.

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Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.
Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong. There is no reasoning with this person. Things have to be their way or it's the highway. They will blame you for hurting them (even if they're the ones who hurt you) or blame the world for all their problems (knowing full well they do shitty things in general). They are compulsive liars and even if they do apologize, it's never genuine. Most are anti social and have few to no friends because most people around them don't want to associate with them. However the sociopath will again tell you that "people hate me for no reason/the world is against me". The only person who will put up with a sociopath is someone who is off their rocker or someone who has absolutely no self respect, or both of those two combined.

Piece of advice: Once you realize that you are dealing with a sociopath, RUN.

Girl breaks up with sociopath boyfriend because he cheated on her.
Sociopath boyfriend will say she dumped him because she did not understand him and his need of alone time.

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