Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Snarfy?

A cute baby or animal who is sleepy or sleeping

The baby is snarfy

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Snarfy - video


Snarfy - what is it?

A word describing someone who completely lacks common sense. A noob in every sense of the word. Someone who has been beaten with the idiot stick over and over. A person who has become so accustomed to failure that their life is not complete if they happen to succeed at something.

See also: wolfy

person 1: "Oh shit. That idiot Zubin is talking again."
person 2: "WTF! Doesn't he realize he sounds more snarfy with every word that spills from his stupid little keyboard?"
person 1: "Don't let him hear you. That snarf is probably going to be the next Unibomber."

👍39 👎65

What does "Snarfy" mean?

The act of sniffing a sharpie

Whoa, that girl snarfies so much, i think she lost all her brain cells!

👍31 👎17

Snarfy - what does it mean?

1. womanizer, fuckwit. guy with questionable integrity when it comes to women.
2. English Bulldog
3. Dog/Pig hybrid

That guy is definitely a snarfy.
He was being a total snarf!
Watch out for snarfy behavior!
Well, I guess I knew going in that he was snarfy.

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Snarfy - meaning

rude, to snap at someone

You didn't have to be so snarfy

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Snarfy - definition

An overcast, possibly rainy day with temperature in the mid to high 50s, weather just bad enough to put your top up. Often found in the Northwestern region of the United States.

Chris walking in to his office and seeing the weather outside says "man, it looks snarfy out there"

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Snarfy - slang

Rude, sarcastic, angry, impatient, defensive...

Fred got really snarfy with me today when I mentioned that he still owes me money...

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Cute scrunched up snotty little face.

That kitten has a little Snarfy face!

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That feeling you get when you have a cold or allergies coming on, and your nose is starting to feel stuffed up.

"The ragweed must be harsh, I'm feeling all Snarfy"

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