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What is Smokehouse?

Much like the beloved Cleveland steamer, this sexual act involves deficating on your partners chest, but instead of rubbing it about, you spread the feacal matter all over their body

Eh, Steve! You know Anny from AP calculus? i gave her the hottest full McKowski smokehouse in the WORLD!

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Smokehouse - meme gif

Smokehouse meme gif

Smokehouse - video


Smokehouse - what is it?

when you can't stand the smell of your own putrid farts and you are in an enclosed room and you are also afraid someone is going to walk in and catch you bathing in your own fart orgy

After lunch today I had an Italian smokehouse syndrome thing going on. Thank God the new hot intern didn't walk in. He is so cute!

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What does "Smokehouse" mean?

dropping ass fumes in the close confines of a tent, especially when others are in it.

pete turned our tent into a portugeuse smokehouse and probably shit his pants doing so.

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Smokehouse - what does it mean?

sitting on a girls face with your dick in between her tits and her tongue on your asshole

I gave tiffany a jamaican smokehouse for her birthday.

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Smokehouse - meaning

n. the act of giving a woman a barbecue sauce enema then doing her in the butt, pulling out, and having her suck your penis dry.

Terry: "Yeah, it was our anniversary last night."
Sean: "Really? Did you and Barbara do anything special."
Terry: "You bet. I gave her the ol' Tennessee Smokehouse...loved it."

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Smokehouse - definition

When you have a drag from a smoke or a go at the bong, you then blow it into a woman's vagina, you can also have the option to inhale it back out.

"Woah, man, did you hear about Jessica? Dave tried the Texas Smokehouse on her and she's in hospital!"

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Smokehouse - slang

Verb : To get trash from a restaraunt joint's dumpster and spread that shit in someone's yard. A substitute for tee-peeing.

Shit son, that nigga's yard got smokehoused!

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Homosexual male...One who hangs meat in mouth.

Is your nickname smokehouse? because everyone likes to hang their meat in your mouth.

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(V). An extremely attractive female. Refers to her being "smokin'" hot. Is used when classifying someone's attractiveness.

Jessica Simpson is a smokehouse!

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A nickname for a dark skinned man with a long penis. Named because his schlong looks like a sausage that one would find hanging in a smokehouse.

Man, Smokehouse over der picking at his feets again.

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