Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sloggers?

Used as an antonym for poggers. Originates from the slang word β€œslog”.

Guy 1: Dude, she broke up with me...
Guy 2: That’s sloggers, man.

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Sloggers - meme gif

Sloggers meme gif

Sloggers - video


Sloggers - what is it?

a huge shit, typically from after eating fast food.

1yo where's john at?
2oh he'll be right back, he was taking a gargantuan slogger.

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What does "Sloggers" mean?

Someone with such a huge penis that they have to carry it around in a wheelbarrow. The dick slogger is a bit of an urban legend, but the mere possibility of his existence makes ladies cream.

Alison: Hey, tell me about your friend Jordan
Drew: All you need to know is that he's a real dick slogger
Alison: (βœΏβ— β€Ώβ— ) !!!!!!

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Sloggers - what does it mean?

A Sligger Slogger is a insult for a dumb or useless person

Man 2: Sure, what’s the number?

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Sloggers - meaning

(n.) - A blogger who blogs only once or twice a year.

"I like blogging, and I read lots of blogs, but when it comes to actually writing my own posts, well, I think I am more of a slogger than a blogger. My blogging career has been one long slog."

overheard at a watercooler in Manhattan, September 7, 2011

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Sloggers - definition

A person who slogs another using a blog

It is bullying to be a slogger

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Sloggers - slang

British slang for a pie. Commonly used in the north west region of England by middle aged fat blokes.

"I can't start my delivery round without a swift pork slogger"

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Word used when playing a ball based game (Usually base ball. Its what your stereotypical coach says after you've hit the ball too far, usually just sounds a bit cheesy.

Guy - *Wollops ball*
Coach - Woah that was a slogger!

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(Noun) Slogger: A good lad who shouts Maccas

a random person: nah mate maccas on me!
another random person: thanks ya massive slogger good lad shouting maccas

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A term used for bloggers who consistently blog about things literally no one cares about (such as miley cyrus, or their obsession with candice swanepoel and justin beiber), and then try to sell the readers stupid fucking t shirts for $29.99. Sloggers are also known to pretend to run for mayor, and have their wife penetrated by their sales guy.

Those sloggers got verbally raped by Jon Taffer, also Imtough is a faggot.

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