Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slap this?

1) Something that is hype

2) When a lot of people are some were acting crazy

- that party last night slapped hard as fuck
- 1st lunch slapped

👍177 👎71

Slap this - video


Slap this - what is it?

A dildo that has some form of adhesive, that literally allows it to be slapped on, over the woman's vagina. The infamous danger being it detaching in a compromising position, such as pegging.

Mary stood up slapped on the Slap On and was ready to peg.

👍83 👎29

What does "Slap this" mean?

Origin: West Coast of the United States

Background: The term derives from the process during love making in which your testicular sack creates contact with anus cheeks making a continuous slapping sound signifying that you are getting the most out of your pumps and doing an outstanding job laying pipe.

Meanings: Very Good, Hard Hitting, Great, Top Notch

This Song Slaps!

After one trip around the race track I can concur that this motorcycle slaps.

👍141 👎49

Slap this - what does it mean?

To be highly intoxicated from the effects of alcohol.

I was so fucking slapped last night, that Jack kicked my ass.

👍363 👎135

Slap this - meaning

an verb used to describe a song with sick bass

Person1: Hey come check out this song!
Person2: Is it any good?
Person1: Hell yea, this song slaps!

👍651 👎243

Slap this - definition

sf bay area term for playing loud muisc from your car.

report to your scrapper and commence slapping

👍337 👎101

Slap this - slang

Good as fuck

This chipotle slaps

👍4443 👎1499

Slap this

What the five fingers said to the face.

I'm Rick James bitch!

👍3657 👎1195

Slap this

crackin songs from the bay area

"you got any mac dre slaps?"

👍3849 👎1085

Slap this

Music that is desirable.

"Man, you heard that new Mike Jones album? That shit slaps!"

👍3975 👎861