Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shit talker?

Someone who talks about other people behind their backs. What they say usually isn't true and is just what they think they hear from other people or they just made up themselves.

Shit-Talker: Hey my friend Jessica told me that you are hotter than her boyfriend.

John: Oh yeah?

John: So your friend told me that you think I'm hotter than your boyfriend.

Jessica: That bitch is lying. I swear on my life I never said that. That bitch is such a Shit-Talker.

👍53 👎17

Shit talker - video


Shit talker - what is it?

someone who has no life, most likely ugly as fuck, and think that gossiping behind other's backs makes them superior, when in reality, it makes that person look like a bitch! The funny shit about these pussies is that you can talk shit in their faces and they wont do shit!

I fucked that bitch up last week for being a constant shit talker!

👍125 👎35

What does "Shit talker" mean?

a person who talks out of their ass because they have no life, and they are probably ugly as fuck. They also deserve to have a pineapple shoved up their ass, and beaten with a baseball bat.

shit talker: hi that girl fat
friend: why are you talking shit
shit talker: because im an ugly fuck who has no life

👍243 👎69

Shit talker - what does it mean?

A cowardly individual who doesn't have the balls to criticise someone to their face. They'd Rather talk about them when they're not in the shit talkers presence because of the lack of retaliation.

The shit talker talks shit everyday all day on urban dictionary. What a pussy faggot bitch. You can never say that shit to my face, bitch.

👍79 👎19

Shit talker - meaning

a dumb bitch who needs to learn how to say stuff to your face. AND / OR grow the fuck up and quit talking about you, it's pointless.


👍169 👎41

Shit talker - definition

A shit talker is what 99% of people under25 years of age are, especially when around other "shit talkers" who like try try to impress other idiots of their age group, to try to appear "worldly" or "knowledgeable" about something they know absolutely nothing about. Shit talkers are silent around adults, (people over 35) because they realize that people who have lived a while have heard plenty of bullshit talk and are not impressed by juveniles babbling bullshit.
See also: liar, punk.

A black or white shit talker is generally a wannabe gangster, because they need a group of people around them to back up their mouth, and to feel like they're "tough" All gang members are "shit talkers".

👍277 👎73

Shit talker - slang

People that have no lives, want attention, make up stuff about others to make them seem bad, and judge others:)

Shit talker to a friend: Ew she's so ugly.
Friend: I know, ew.

👍601 👎145

Shit talker

1. One who talks shit
2. One who talks to others while shitting

1. No one likes a shit talker
2. No one likes a shit talker

👍93 👎19

Shit talker

people who gossip behind other's back

She's a shit talker and many people wants to jump her for that.

👍1013 👎189

Shit talker

Any person that insists on having a conversation in a public restroom, with the person in the stall next to them.

Woman 1: Wow! That was a really quick poo. Everything ok?
Woman 2: Yeah, I just had to drop and go. There was a shit talker in the stall next to me. Made me VERY uncomfortable.
Woman 1: fuckin' shit talkers. They're so weird.

👍25 👎11