Definder - what does the word mean?

What is She holding?

When a guy calls hold, none of his guy friends can take her ... Very similar to dibs, a guy can only call one hold at a time. Itโ€™s the girl heโ€™s trying to get with or has...

โ€œBro shes my hold back off.โ€

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She holding - video


She holding - what is it?

It is a phrase used mainly in Ireland, that means this particular woman cant keep a secret, especially when she is drunk.

Guy 1:Did you here what she said about Sean last night?

Guy 2: Sure you know that after a few beers she can't hold her piss.

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What does "She holding" mean?

Mommyโ€™s-drunk-but-sheโ€™s-holding-it-together. (Does anyone have a cheeseburger?)


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She holding - what does it mean?

When a girl has a big ass

Friend 1: did you just see shortie walk past?

Friend 2: no, I didn't, why?

Friend 1: look!! Look at her!

Friend 2: damn! She holding!!

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