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What is Scrumping?

To steal apples

Lets go a'scrumpin!

👍463 👎371

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Scrumping - what is it?

Screw + hump = Scrump

do you wanna go behind the bleachers and scrump

👍777 👎513

What does "Scrumping" mean?

The incorrect, yet oddly spot-on, past-tense of "scam." "Scrump" or "scrumped" was first defined by "30 Rock" character Tracy Jordan in December 2008.

"It turns out that Nigerian prince I've been e-mailing with is just a spam hoax. I got scrumped!"

👍101 👎31

Scrumping - what does it mean?

a dwarf

You're the vile little scrump, if anyone is.

👍297 👎83

Scrumping - meaning

Stealing fruit, especially apples, from someone else's trees. British. It's considered less bad than, say, shoplifting, but adults still disapprove.

👍961 👎279

Scrumping - definition

the act of two people dry humping on the floor which may or may not lead to sexual intercourse. Beware the person on top may obtain severe carpet burns from performing this act.

Holy hell!!!! Look at that girl's legs! Her man and her musta been scrumping bad last night.

👍39 👎61

Scrumping - slang

Furiously Masturbating during or after consuming a large amount of cheese puffs and not cleansing your hands of the cheese powder

I was Scrumping the other night and now my dick is stained orange!

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an alternative term for the act of jelqing, a Middle Eastern penis enlargement technique. Though originating in the Middle East, scrumping has become extremely popular amongst males throughout the world. The method is intended to enlarge the penis by exercising the smooth muscle and other tissues in the penis, with the goal of permanently increasing the maximum erect size of the penis. Scrumping is alternatively referred to as "penis milking", "dong stroking", and "rod rubbing".

Man 1 at urinal: "Jesus Christ man what'd you do to your dong?! It looks like you're smuggling a python!"

Man 2 at urinal: "Sup. It's pretty big, huh? It used to be a tuna can, exact dimensions. But after months of dedicated scrumping, I've managed to produce this piece of penile perfection.

👍53 👎77


the act of stealing apples, nothing more. Either stealing froma tree, orchard or store. The one who scrumps is called the scrump or scrumper.

When Glen asked about the apples, Phil said that he went scrumping at Todd's house.

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The act of stealing apples from a cider orchard. (The word comes from Scrumpy cider) This term cannot be applied to a town or city enviroment. For example you couldn't steal a stereo and call it 'urban scrumping'

Giles was caught scrumping from Mr. Johnsons farm on Tuesday

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