Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Samo?

a monstrous japanese creature who is a pussy.

"oww my knee hurts"

👍73 👎117

Samo - meme gif

Samo meme gif

Samo - video


Samo - what is it?

Acronym for Sad About Missing Out.
Similar to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) but refers to the situation when you have already missed out or will definitely miss out on something.

I had so much SAMO because I couldn't go to Burning Man this year :(

👍59 👎33

What does "Samo" mean?

= SAMO started as an inside joke when
Jean-Michel Basquiat and a few of his friends were still teenagers, they tagged funny/thought-provoking lines all over NYC (especially SoHo) in the 70s. sometimes they were plays on words.. everyone was tryin to figure out who the hell was behind them.

they were smokin pot talkin about how everything is just the 'Same ol shit..

SAMO instead of God.

👍349 👎123

Samo - what does it mean?

Fire in the hole! i had sex w/ her and my dog is still burning! :) haha. Sorry fire crotch but we got bored!

She'll keep you warm through a blizzard!

👍47 👎113

Samo - meaning

Samo is an older man who likes younger girls. That's it.

"Wow, back off! You're such a Samo!"

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Samo - definition

Samo comes from Jean-Michel Basquiat, it's true definition is 'Same Old Shit'. Samo started at the beginning of Basquiat's artistic career. Samo was his graffiti tag.

"Samo every day"

👍25 👎11

Samo - slang

Samo is a derogatory term for a person on Samoan decent.

Hey I just went face deep in some samo ass 😈

👍31 👎13


An abbreviation for the city of Santa Monica, CA, as well as Santa Monica High School. "Samohi" is more commonly referenced to Santa Monica High School, while "Samo" is a more popular reference to the city.

"Can we meet in Samo tonight?"
"Don't say Santa Monica. To many syllables. We refer to it as Samo"

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Short for "Santa Monica High School" or the city of Santa Monica, CA in general.

Man: What school do you go to?
Boy: I go to Samo

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Same Old Shit
Sam Old, and u retur to the S to say Shit, thats make a circle of same shit ;)

u dont need example

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